Is senior year easy?

Is senior year easy?

Senior year isn’t easy. You often hear that senior year is easy, or at least it’s easier than junior year. Granted, this depends on how rigorous your schedule is, but I have found that senior year is the hardest year of high school. Classes are harder, sure, but that isn’t the half of it.

Is Algebra 1 or 2 harder?

Well, Algebra classes are really hard to define because every school does things differently. However, Algebra 1 should be easier than Algebra 2. Algebra 1 introduces you the basic concepts and exams them in easy ways.

Is ALG 2 Trig hard?

Algebra 2/trig is a bit harder. But it is not that bad, as long as you keep up with your work DAILY. I found geometry easier than any of the other math courses in high school. If I were to rank them out in terms of difficulty it would be Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, then Trigonometry.

Is Pre Calc harder than Trig?

Precalculus encompasses both trig and math analysis; therefore a precalculus course will cover more topics than just a trigonometry course alone. Why is precalculus hard? Now, most students agree that math analysis is “easier” than trigonometry, simply because it’s familiar (i.e., it’s very similar to algebra).

Should I take trig or pre calc first?

Trigonometry is more important. From experience, Algebra 2 and precalculus are very similar, and you will probably do fine in calculus without precalculus if you know algebra 2 and trig.

Is calc harder than pre calc?

Calculus is harder than Pre-Calculus. Pre-calculus gives you the basics for Calculus… just like arithmetic gives you the basics for algebra… etc. They are all building blocks that are very important in your “math development.”

What is the hardest part of precalculus?

The hardest part of pre-calculus is the course that precedes pre-calculus. If you’re going to do well in pre-calculus, you need to do well in the course that comes before it.

What is the hardest unit in calculus?

In a poll of 140 past and present calculus students, the overwhelming consensus (72% of pollers) is that Calculus 3 is indeed the hardest Calculus class. This is contrary to the popular belief that Calculus 2 is the hardest Calculus class. So, Calculus 3 is the hardest Calculus class.

Is Calculus 1 hard in college?

Calculus the language of motion and change. 1Calculus is a hard class. I mean, it was hard. There are so many pretty straightforward math concepts like; solving an equation, factoring an equation, use the quadratic formula many times, etc. In calculus, I had to combine a bunch of ideas.

What is the hardest part of chemistry?

The 6 Most Difficult Aspects of Chemistry…and How to Overcome Them

  1. Chemistry Involves Concepts That Are Not Easily Observed.
  2. Understanding Chemistry Requires Integrated Brain Skills.
  3. The Study of Chemistry is Linear.
  4. Chemistry Involves A Lot of Math!
  5. It’s ALL About the Exceptions.
  6. Online Chemistry is Challenging At Best.

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