What is a directive statement?
Directive Statements These are statements that don’t end in a question mark, yet they draw the buyer into sharing more information with you. Try mixing these directive statements with good open-ended questions to get your buyer talking. Tell me about. “Tell me about your decision-making process.”
What is a non-directive interview question?
Unstructured interview, also called non-directive interview, refers to an interview concept without any set format in which questions are nor predetermined so the lack of structure enables the interviewer to ask questions which come to his/her mind on the spot.
How do you create a directive?
Building an attribute directivelink
- To create a directive, use the CLI command ng generate directive .
- Import ElementRef from @angular/core .
- Add ElementRef in the directive’s constructor() to inject a reference to the host DOM element, the element to which you apply appHighlight .
How do I pass data to Directive in angular 6?
If you want to send data to directive then you should try like this: This is my custom directive, and I am going to share two value from component or HTML to the directive. You will have to use your directive in your html and send data to the directive like in below code. I am sending name and value to the test.
What is the difference between controller and link in directives?
The link option is just a shortcut to setting up a post-link function. controller: The directive controller can be passed to another directive linking/compiling phase. It can be injected into other directices as a mean to use in inter-directive communication.
What are directives in HTML?
What are Directives? At a high level, directives are markers on a DOM element (such as an attribute, element name, comment or CSS class) that tell AngularJS’s HTML compiler ( $compile ) to attach a specified behavior to that DOM element (e.g. via event listeners), or even to transform the DOM element and its children.
What is difference between component and directive?
Directives is used to add behavior to an existing DOM element. Component is used to break up the application into smaller components. Directive is use to design re-usable components. Only one component can be present per DOM element.
Which directive lets you modify the behavior of another directive?
Angular Directive
What is pipe in angular?
Pipes are simple functions you can use in template expressions to accept an input value and return a transformed value. Angular provides built-in pipes for typical data transformations, including transformations for internationalization (i18n), which use locale information to format data.
What is map and pipe in angular?
Note: pipe() is a function/method that is used to chain multiple RxJS operators while map() and filter() are operators that operate and transform the values of an Observable (sequence of values). They are similar to the map() and filter() methods of JavaScript arrays. Let’s see this by example.
What is MAP operator in angular?
The Angular observable Map operator takes an observable source as input. It applies a project function to each of the values emitted by the source observable and transforms it into a new value. It then emits the new value to the subscribers.
What is pipe and tap in angular?
scan() , but since every RxJS operator is a standalone function rather than an Observable’s method, we need pipe() to make a chain of those operators (see example above). Tap: Can perform side effects with observed data but does not modify the stream in any way. Formerly called do() .
What is MAP operator in RxJS?
The Map operator applies a function of your choosing to each item emitted by the source Observable, and returns an Observable that emits the results of these function applications.
What is switchMap RxJS?
function stable. Projects each source value to an Observable which is merged in the output Observable, emitting values only from the most recently projected Observable.
What is RxJS?
RxJS (Reactive Extensions for JavaScript) is a library for reactive programming using observables that makes it easier to compose asynchronous or callback-based code. Converting existing code for async operations into observables. Iterating through the values in a stream. Mapping values to different types.
Is RxJS a framework?
What is RxJS? RxJS is a framework for reactive programming that makes use of Observables, making it really easy to write asynchronous code.
Who uses RxJS?
Who uses RxJS? 200 companies reportedly use RxJS in their tech stacks, including ROBLOX, tumblbug-com, and ABEJA, Inc..
Is RxJS asynchronous?
Although JavaScript is single-threaded, RxJS is follows the same principles as other libraries for reactive streams. We can create asynchronous streams, have some degree of concurrency and web workers even allow for parallelism.
Is angular asynchronous?
AngularJs supports async requests by default. Ajax requests are always asynchronous. Angular exposes the $http service, which allows you to do all http requests to the server. The answer is that you can make synchronous or asynchronous HTTP requests from a browser.
Are observables asynchronous?
Observables not only able to return a value synchronously, but also asynchronously. var observable = Rx. Observable. In short, you can say observables are simply a function that are able to give multiple values over time, either synchronously or asynchronously.
Is forkJoin asynchronous?
#4 Let’s call forkJoin for getting a final result value Ok, let’s go through this code: forkJoin gets an array of argument observables, subscribes to all of them and waits till they are complete.
What is the difference between observable and promises with example?
Promises deal with one asynchronous event at a time, while observables handle a sequence of asynchronous events over a period of time. Emit multiple values over a period of time.
Is forkJoin deprecated?
ForkJoin method signature has changed This is now deprecated and you must pass an array of observables to forkJoin operator.
What is forkJoin in angular?
The forkJoin() operator allows us to take a list of Observables and execute them in parallel. Once every Observable in the list emits a value, the forkJoin will emit a single Observable value containing a list of all the resolved values from the Observables in the list.