In what ways did public life become democratized throughout the 1790s?
In what ways did public life become democratized throughout the 1790s? – The general public engaged in bitter debates over economic policy. – Ordinary citizens formed political societies to discuss political issues and to criticize the government.
In what ways did public life become democratized throughout the 1790s quizlet?
In what ways did public life become democratized throughout the 1790s? Correct: The general public engaged in bitter debates over economic policy. Ordinary citizens formed political societies to discuss political issues and to criticize the government.
What does this painting reveal about American feelings towards the British around the time of the War of 1812?
What does this painting reveal about Americans’ feelings toward the British around the time of the War of 1812? *The broken chain on the rock represents American freedom from the bonds of the British monarchy. During the War of 1812, Tecumseh was a valuable partner of the United States.
What conclusions can be drawn from the map below about the presidential election results of 1800 quizlet?
What conclusions can be drawn from the map below about the presidential election results of 1800? The outcome revealed a flaw in the system for choosing the president and the vice president. The outcome reflected a new, growing tension between North and South. You just studied 10 terms!
What best summarizes the point of view the excerpt expresses quizlet?
What best summarizes the point of view the excerpt expresses? They would agree and be confident that the Constitution meets those goals.
Which best describes Patrick Henry he agreed with Alexander?
Terms in this set (10) Which best describes Patrick Henry? He agreed with Alexander Hamilton and opposed the Constitution. He was a Federalist and opposed the Constitution.
How would the Federalists most likely respond to this?
How would Federalists most likely respond to this? They would agree and be confident that the Constitution meets those goals.
Why did Hamilton want a strong central government quizlet?
Hamilton believed in a strong central government. He thought the power of the national government should be stronger than that of the state government. He also believed that the government should encourage business and industry as the nation’s prosperity depended on the support of wealthy merchants and manufacturers.
Why did James Madison want a strong central government quizlet?
Why did James Madison and others want a strong central government? They thought because it became weak he said it was like a rope of sand. They felt it was the only way to keep the states together was a strong central government. States did not often agree on anything.
Why did Republicans fear a strong federal government quizlet?
Why did the Democratic-Republicans fear a strong central government? They feared that the central government would become too powerful, and that people of wealth would control its power and place their own interests above the interests of the nation. Federalists wanted to expand powers of the national government.
How did Jefferson’s and Hamilton’s views differ?
Jefferson believed that America’s success lay in its agrarian tradition. While Hamilton distrusted popular will and believed that the federal government should wield considerable power in order steer a successful course, Jefferson placed his trust in the people as governors.
Why were the second president and vice president from opposing parties quizlet?
Why were the second president and vice president from opposing parties? It was the result of the Electoral College vote established by the Constitution. What did Washington say could happen if political parties are allowed to engage in too much “party spirit”?
What was the main reason Thomas Jefferson decided to organize a political party?
According to the text, the main reason Jefferson decided to organize a political party was because….. He wanted to have his opponents voted out of office. They agreed with George Washington, who warned Americans that parties would lead to “jealousies and false alarms.”
Why did Thomas Jefferson who claimed to dislike political parties lead the way in founding a party quizlet?
Why did Thomas Jefferson, who claimed to dislike political parties, lead the way in founding a party? Because he had become vice president after loosing the election to John Adams, and was a part of the democratic-Republican party therefor having to become a leader.
What did Jefferson fear most about a manufacturing economy?
Jefferson thought that farmers, rather than merchants, were the backbone of the new nation. “Cultivators of the earth,” he wrote, “are the most valuable citizens.” He feared that a manufacturing economy would corrupt the United States by concentrating power in the hands of a small group of wealthy Americans.
Why did Thomas Jefferson oppose manufacturing?
Like slaves, Jefferson feared, factory workers would be manipulated by their masters, who would make it impossible for them to think and act as independent citizens. Most strikingly, it was an economic vision with no place for slavery.
Why did Jefferson not want a strong central government?
Jefferson wanted to protect the powers of the states. For that a weak central government was necessary. Jefferson believed that with education the people could make necessary choices about their government, as only they could preserve liberty.
What did Thomas Jefferson believe about manufacturing?
Jefferson does not encouraged manufacturing in the US because they are subject to the person’s whims and dependent. (changing your mind.) Jefferson says that he doesn’t like the trade because instead of working in a factory that men should be working the land. It doesn’t make people needing to depend on someone else.
What was Jefferson’s opinion about a manufacturing based economy?
He believed that merchants, manufacturers, financiers, lawyers, clergymen, and university men should be in control of the country. He basically wanted a commercial society that relied on industrial products and not so much on agriculture.
How did Jefferson support the farmers?
Jefferson encouraged agricultural societies as a means of spreading good stewardship of the land. He also vigorously supported sound conservation and agricultural education and investigation at the university level.
Why did Jefferson believe in farming?
Q: Why did Thomas Jefferson believe in agriculture? Thomas Jefferson believed in agriculture because he thought commercialization and dependence on markets and customers begot subservience and prepared fit tools for the designs of ambition.