How did I spent my last Sunday essay?

How did I spent my last Sunday essay?

I get up late on a Sunday morning and laze around. My mother also gives me a relaxation in the ‘early to bed and early to rise’ schedule. She prepares any of my favourite dish for the special Sunday breakfast. I take a leisurely bath unlike a hurried one every other day.

What shall I do this weekend?

Here’s a list to help free you from boredom without emptying your wallet this weekend.

  • Go to the Park. You can take your family or go with a friend.
  • Watch the Sunset.
  • Pack a Picnic Lunch.
  • Play Board Games.
  • Play Card Games.
  • Do a Road Rally With Friends.
  • Go on a Digital Scavenger Hunt.
  • Throw a B.Y.O.E.

What can I do this weekend in lockdown?

Bored at home? 35 fun & productive things to do during lockdown 2021

  • Set goals.
  • Learn a language.
  • Take a course.
  • Listen to a podcast.
  • Learn to play an instrument.
  • Get reading.
  • Take up photography.
  • Organise your photos.

How you spend your weekend?

From the other busy five days of school, I really get rest and relax on weekends. On Friday mornings I am so happy because I would have to get up early only for this one day and then sleep to my wish on weekends. Moreover, as a family we all could spent some time on weekends. Last weekend was great for me.

How can I enjoy my weekend?

If you want to enjoy weekends that leave you feeling refreshed and energized, then here are a few ways to help you make the most of it.

  1. Change your mindset.
  2. Change your approach.
  3. Start with a plan.
  4. Avoid routine.
  5. Allow for some downtime.
  6. Get outside.
  7. Reclaim Sunday.

How do I start my weekend?

7 Ways to Kick Off a Great Weekend

  1. Set a specific end time for work.
  2. Close out all loose ends.
  3. Start with a great meal.
  4. Respect a Sabbath Time.
  5. Plan for some “Me” time.
  6. Have some social time.
  7. Spend time prepping for the coming week.

How do I start my Monday?

10 ways to make your Monday morning better

  1. Get up earlier. If you really want to change your Monday mindset, start as you mean to go on.
  2. Get up later. Ok, you’ve skipped number one.
  3. Eat breakfast.
  4. Don’t go back to sleep.
  5. Make more of your commute.
  6. Make someone’s day.
  7. Make Monday your cheat day.
  8. Remind yourself about other successful Mondays.

What should I post on motivation Monday?

“Either you run the day or the day runs you.” “Mondays are the start of the work week which offer new beginnings 52 times a year! “ “You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.”

Is Monday a good day to start something new?

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are considered to be the auspicious days to start the medicine. Friday is the best day to buy new clothes and other wearing materials.

How can I enjoy Mondays?

9 Ways to Actually Enjoy Mondays

  1. Blast a happy song when you wake up.
  2. Dust off your crockpot.
  3. Plan a girls night on Monday night.
  4. Try something new with your hair, makeup, or outfit.
  5. Start a Monday morning breakfast club with coworkers.
  6. Wait until Monday to start a new book, tv show, or magazine.

How do you kick the Monday blues?

How to beat Monday blues

  1. Don’t live for the weekends.
  2. Treat Sunday as a day of rest.
  3. Don’t sleep in.
  4. Plan ahead Sunday night.
  5. Hit the hay early on Sunday…
  6. And wake up early on Monday.
  7. Generate good vibes — through music and otherwise.
  8. Hit the (early-bird) gym.

Why are Mondays so depressing?

Another common reason for dreading Monday is disliking your job or finding it particularly stressful. “Whether it’s a demanding boss or unfriendly co-workers, feelings of anxiety and depression can begin on Sunday evening, making it hard to take satisfaction in going to work on a Monday,” Hafeez said.

How can we avoid Monday blues?

Here are 11 ways to beat (or avoid) the dreaded Monday Blues:

  1. Identify the problem.
  2. Prepare for Monday on Friday.
  3. Make a list of the things you’re excited about.
  4. Unplug for the weekend.
  5. Get enough sleep and wake up early.
  6. Dress for success.
  7. Be positive.
  8. Make someone else happy.

Is Monday Blues a real thing?

PENNSYLVANIA : The mundane ‘Monday blues effect’ after the weekend might actually be a scientific phenomenon, suggests a new study.

Why is it called Monday blues?

Monday morning blues is the feeling that comes to us as the weekend has passed by and it is time to resume the work again. The main meaning of blues is sadness, or expressing sadness. Not laziness. But sadness, or feeling really blue, contains an element not of laziness but lethargy, or lack of energy.

How do I get rid of Blues?

15 ways you can beat the blues

  1. Walk Barefoot On The Grass. The earth has a slightly negative charge so, when barefoot, we receive a surge of electrons from the ground (called the grounding effect).
  2. Work up a sweat.
  3. Scoff some chocs.
  4. Have sex.
  5. Let off some steam.
  6. Bake a cake.
  7. Turn up the volume.
  8. Clear out your clutter.

What does it mean if you have the blues?

Feel depressed or sad, as in After seeing the old house in such bad shape, I had the blues for weeks, or Patricia tends to feel blue around the holidays.

How do you shake the blues?

If you have the so-called blues, you might feel sad or tearful, want to spend time by yourself, and lack your usual energy or motivation….When you feel sad, you can often lighten your mood by:

  1. watching something funny.
  2. spending time with loved ones.
  3. doing a favorite hobby.

How do you beat the blues quarantine?

Beat Quarantine Blues

  1. Maintain a schedule. “People are feeling a loss of control, but you can control the structure of your day.” She advises patients to shower, get dressed, eat meals at regular times to create a sense of normalcy.
  2. Avoid overeating.
  3. Limit alcoholic drinks.
  4. Take care of yourself.
  5. Stay connected.
  6. Be positive.

How do you feel better in quarantine?

19 Ways To Self-Care During Quarantine

  1. Keep in touch. Like Dr.
  2. Disconnect from the online noise. Take a daily break from all the screens by putting your devices down for long periods at a time.
  3. Journal your days.
  4. Clean and organize.
  5. Just breathe.
  6. Get Cookin’.
  7. Take a Bath.
  8. Learn a new language.

How do you beat winter blues 2020?

25 Tips for Beating the Winter Blues

  1. Let the light in. Yup, we’re starting with the obvious one.
  2. Rearrange Your Furniture.
  3. Get A House Plant.
  4. Perfect Your Routine.
  5. Prioritize High Quality ZZZ’s.
  6. Limit Media Intake.
  7. Embrace Color.
  8. Go for A Nature Walk.

How do you kick the winter blues?

Here are a few ways you can battle the winter blues:

  1. Eat Well.
  2. Exercise.
  3. Surround Yourself With Good People.
  4. Check Something Off Your Bucket List.
  5. Spend Time By A Fire.
  6. Take Vitamins.
  7. Manage Your Screen Time.
  8. Fresh Air.

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