Who is Paul Fisher in tangerine?

Who is Paul Fisher in tangerine?

Paul Fisher Paul is the protagonist and narrator of Tangerine. He’s a close observer of all the people around him, particularly his brother, Erik. While everyone else sees Erik as the star football player, Paul knows that there’s more to him.

What happened to Paul in tangerine?

He is legally blind and wears very thick glasses. He has no peripheral vision. He believes that he was blinded by looking into an eclipse of the sun. The truth is that Erik spray painted him in the eyes when Paul was four or five years old.

What does Paul do instead of going to the funeral?

Instead of going to Luis’s funeral, Paul goes out into his backyard dressed in just his blue suit. He does not put on a shirt, shoes, or socks. In his backyard, he makes his way toward the gray wall. There, he wedges his hands into the space between the wall and the sod.

Who is Mrs Gates in tangerine?

Mrs. Gates. Mrs. Gates is exactly the principal that all those meanies at Lake Windsor Middle School deserve.

Why does Eric punch Tino?

(7) Why does Erik punch Tino? Erik punched Tino because Tino had started to make fun of Eric about his bad football game. You just studied 25 terms!

Why does Paul want to go to Tangerine middle school so badly?

Paul wants to go to Tangerine Middle School because he wants to start out there without an IEP so he can play soccer and be treated normally. Teresa Cruz helped Paul by showing him around and for giving him some information on the people there and the soccer team.

Who is Joey Costello in tangerine?

Joey is Paul’s first friend at Lake Windsor Middle School, and their friendship gets off to a good start. When lightening kills his brother Mike, Paul helps him through it. Paul is the one he shares his sadness with: “Joey may or may not have been listening.

What grade is Paul in tangerine?

seventh grade

What sport does Paul play in tangerine?

soccer field

What did Erik tell his friend was the reason Paul wore thick glasses?

What did Erik tell his 5th grade friends was the reason for Paul wearing thick glasses? Erik said that Paul had stared at a Solar Eclipse.

Why does Joey say that the Donnelly House is probably the safest in the whole world?

Why does Joey say that the Donnelly house is probably the safest in the whole world? its been struck by lightening a lot and is still standing.

What is Paul’s punishment for assaulting a teacher?

What is Paul punishment for assaulting a teacher? He gets expelled from all Tangerine public schools.

Is hitting a teacher a felony?

Some actions considered assault don’t involve physical contact, although the charge more typically involves at least some glancing contact. Dunn said that a student assaulting a teacher is already a misdemeanor and can be upgraded to a felony if there is bodily harm.

What happens if a teacher punches a student?

If a teacher punches a student at a minimum the teacher faces criminal charges losing teaching license which invalidates a college degree. We cannot lose a degree it just becomes worth less than the paper it is printed on.

Who is Paul Fisher in tangerine?

Who is Paul Fisher in tangerine?

Francisco Maturana García once said, “Every defeat is a victory in itself.” In the novel “Tangerine” by Edward Bloor, Paul Fisher is a 13-year-old boy who loves playing keeper in the soccer field.

What happens in the book tangerine?

It is coming-of-age story, and details the experiences of twelve-year-old Paul Fisher after his family moves to Tangerine County, Florida. The novel centers on Paul’s relationship with his older brother, and explores themes of bullying, discrimination and courage.

What if a student hits a teacher?

Hitting or Threatening A Teacher

  1. Respond to a student’s threats even if he is unlikely to carry them out.
  2. Inform the principal immediately if a student makes what you perceive to be a serious threat or hits you.
  3. Distract a volatile student.
  4. Convey to the student the seriousness of his behavior.

Can a teacher defend themselves from a student?

The Education Code recognizes that teachers (and other certificated employees) have a responsibility to intervene physically in order to protect students. A teacher may use reasonable force in order to quell a disturbance, protect others, in self-defense or to take possession of weapons.

Can a teacher be fired for using profanity in the presence of students?

A lot of teachers might curse (in a joking manner) in front of their students in high school. But they don’t use that language towards their students in a negative way. If a teacher was scolding a student by using profane language, then that teacher could be fired for verbal harassment.

Can you refuse to teach students?

We contacted the Department for Education (DfE) and a spokesperson explained that teachers have no specific right to refuse to teach a disruptive class or pupils.

What would a bad teacher do?

They do not challenge their students, ​are often behind on grading, show videos often, and give “free” days on a regular basis. There is no creativity in their teaching, and they typically make no connections with other faculty or staff members. “Traits of a Bad Teacher.” ThoughtCo, Aug.

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