Where can you find primary sources?

Where can you find primary sources?

6 Free Online Resources for Primary Source Documents

  • National Archives. The National Archives is a fantastic resource.
  • DocsTeach. Also run by the National Archives, DocsTeach is full of activities for educators.
  • Spartacus Educational.
  • Fordham University.
  • The Avalon Project.
  • Life Magazine Photo Archive.
  • Easy iPad Access.

What are primary source materials?

Primary sources are documents, images or artifacts that provide firsthand testimony or direct evidence concerning an historical topic under research investigation. Primary sources are original documents created or experienced contemporaneously with the event being researched.

What are examples of tertiary sources?

Examples of Tertiary Sources: Dictionaries/encyclopedias (may also be secondary), almanacs, fact books, Wikipedia, bibliographies (may also be secondary), directories, guidebooks, manuals, handbooks, and textbooks (may be secondary), indexing and abstracting sources.

What is the secondary evidence rule?

Secondary evidence is evidence that has been reproduced from an original document or substituted for an original item. For example, a photocopy of a document or photograph would be considered secondary evidence. Courts prefer original, or primary, evidence. They try to avoid using secondary evidence wherever possible.

What is the Evidence Code?

The Evidence Code lays out rules on which every piece of evidence is first authenticated and then presented in court—assuming it can get past hearsay. For example, bank records are hearsay—out of court statements being used to prove the truth of the financial information.

Are photocopies legal documents?

In short, it means that copies, microfilm, and other reproductions, documents are the same as physical documents and are just as legally valid.

Is Xerox copy a secondary evidence?

Indian Evidence Act, 1872, photocopy/Xerox copy is secondary evidence and can never be regarded as primary evidence.

Where can you find primary sources?

Where can you find primary sources?

Primary Sources

  • DocsTeach.org.
  • Today’s Document.
  • National Archives Catalog.

Can you trust .com sites?

Answer. About.com articles are not usually considered reliable or credible resource for use in academic research. The About.com guides are technically blogs providing opinions and do not necessarily contain vetted information. Note: “.com” websites are commercial websites and are usually selling something.

Which of the following is a way to keep you safe online?

A VPN, or virtual private network, securely connects your device to an internet server so that no one can monitor your activity or access your data through your internet connection. It’s a great (and legal) way to keep your connection secure at home and even while you’re out and about using public Wi-Fi.

What is the best way to prevent the most common cause of network failure?

What is the best way to prevent the most common cause of network failure? Avoid using USB cables for connecting devices. Maintain careful records of networked devices. Use up-to-date antiviral software to protect computers.

What are the most common causes of network problems?

Tackle these leading causes of network problems to minimize business and financial impact.

  • Misconfiguration. Misconfiguration is the cause of as many as 80% of unplanned outages.
  • Security breaches.
  • Old equipment.
  • Human error.
  • Incompatible changes.
  • Hardware failures.
  • Power failures.

What will cause a network to fail?

Operational human errors and mismanagement of devices. Link failure caused due to fibre cable cuts or network congestion. Power outages. Unprecedented natural disasters and ad hoc mishaps on the network such as a minor accidents, or even as unrelated as a rodent chewing through a network line, etc.

How do you prevent network failure?

How To Avoid Network Outages: Go Back To Basics

  1. Checks and balances.
  2. Monitor, monitor, monitor.
  3. Keep things simple.
  4. Build in room for error.
  5. Communication.
  6. Strengthen your shields.
  7. Remain vigilant.
  8. Use appropriate technology.

How do I detect network failure?

Network Problems? 7 Diagnostic Tricks and Simple Fixes

  1. Make Sure It’s Actually Your Network Problem.
  2. Power Cycle Everything and Check Other Devices.
  3. Check Physical Connections.
  4. Run the Windows Network Troubleshooter.
  5. Check for a Valid IP Address.
  6. Try a Ping and Trace Its Route.
  7. Contact Your ISP.
  8. Wait the Network Problems Out.

What happens if one peer in a network fails?

If one computer fails it will not disrupt any other part of the network. It just means that those files aren’t available to other users at that time. There is little or no security besides the permissions. Users often don’t need to log onto their workstations.

What are the three types of network failure?

The paper analyzes types of failure like Control plane failure, SRLG (shared risk link group failure), Sub network failure, Node failure, Link failure.

What happens if the main cable on a bus fails?

if the main cable fails or gets damaged the whole network will fail. as more workstations are connected the performance of the network will become slower because of data collisions. every workstation on the network “sees” all of the data on the network – this is a security risk.

What happens when a device sends data via a hub?

All information sent to the hub is then sent through each port to every device in the network. Hubs are unable to tell one computer from another, so they receive information on one port and then blindly forward it to all other ports — whether it was intended for those computers or not.

Which topology is the most secure?

A full mesh topology provides a connection from each node to every other node on the network. This provides a fully redundant network and is the most reliable of all networks.

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