What is the point that Swift is attempting to make with this essay?

What is the point that Swift is attempting to make with this essay?

The purpose of Swift’s satirical essay is to call attention to the problems that were being experienced by the people of Ireland. He wanted the English (who ruled Ireland) to realize what they were doing and to put in place reforms that would solve the problems they had helped to cause.

Why do you think Swift only gradually reveals the real nature of his proposal in the essay?

Why do you think he gradually reveals the real nature of the “proposal”? He’s attempting to establish “logic” and to avoid shocking readers. What agreement “by all parties” does Swift seek to establish in the second paragraph of the essay?

What exactly is Swift’s proposal for the poor children of Ireland?

Presented in the guise of an economic treatise, the essay proposes that the country ameliorate poverty in Ireland by butchering the children of the Irish poor and selling them as food to wealthy English landlords. Swift’s proposal is a savage comment on England’s legal and economic exploitation of Ireland.

How does Swift’s use of hyperbole or exaggeration contribute to this satirical text a swift uses hyperbole when describing the benefits of cannibalism satirizing the upper class for overtaxing the poor b Swift uses hyperbole when suggesting infanticide as a way to solve population increase satirizing those who encourage?

Swift uses exaggeration when describing the benefits of cannibalism(eating humans), satirizing the upper class for overtaxing the poor. Swift uses exaggeration when suggesting infanticide (killing babies)as a way to solve population increase, satirizing those who encourage it.

How do satire and irony help Swift?

Swift uses dramatical irony by suggesting that Irish should sell their babies to the rich so that they can grow the economy of the country. But in actual this is a good healthy baby. So, he is using satire in his argument to show the plight of the people. It makes the reader think about them.

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