How effective is she at narrating her tale about the knight?

How effective is she at narrating her tale about the knight?

How effective is she at narrating her tale about the knight? Explain your response. Support your responses with evidence from the text. She is effective because it makes the reader think of how they treat women, and realize that the way they are treated is not equal at all.

How does the Wife of Bath challenge authority?

The Wife of Bath believes that having experience is the greatest authority, and since she has been married five times, she certainly considers herself an authority on the remedies of love. She feels that she knows everything there is to know on love and sex. She uses the bible as a tool to commend her behavior.

What is the purpose of the Wife of Bath’s Tale?

The ‘Wife of Bath’s Tale’ is told to show what women most desire. Throughout her tale, traditional values of leadership and supremacy are reversed. In the ‘Wife of Bath’s Tale,’ it is the queen and the ladies of the court who serve as justices and determine the punishment for the knight instead of King Arthur.

What is the answer that saves the knight’s life?

He eventually turns to an ugly old witch who promises him the answer that will save his life if he will do the first thing she asks of him. The answer—that it is “maistrie,” or sovereignty over men, that women desire—is accepted in court, and the witch then demands that the knight marry her.

Why does the knight not want to marry the old woman?

According to “The Wife of Bath’s Tale,” why does the knight agree to marry the old woman? He believes she will turn into a young woman when he marries her. He thinks the queen will not have him killed if he is married. She promises him that she knows the secret to what all women want.

What is the irony in this being the answer that saves the knight’s life?

What is the irony of in this being the answer that saves the knight’s life? He abused a woman’s sovereignty when all women want are power over their husband/lover.

Who provides the knight with an answer to his question?


What is the knight’s answer to the Queen’s question?

When the two appear at court, the young knight provides the answer to the riddle: Women want power over their husbands. The queen acknowledges that this is the correct answer. Staying true to his promise, the young knight does what is next asked of him by the old woman: he marries her.

When his time was up What did the Knight do how is this ironic?

Terms in this set (25) What horrible offense does the knight commit, and how is this ironic? The knight committed the crime of rapping a maiden and it’s very ironic because everyone knows such a crime means off with your head.

How much time does the knight have to answer the queen’s question?

English 12 – Canterbury Tales – The Wife of Bath’s Tale

Who asks for mercy for the Knight? the queen
What question doe sthe Queen ask of the knight? “find out what women want most to be happy”
How long does the Knight have to find the answer to the Queen’s question? 1 year and a day

What does the old lady demand from the Knight in exchange for her having helped him?

What is the Knight’s response? SHE DEMANDS FOR HIM TO MARRY HER. HE IS UPSET AND SAYS SHE IS: Old, ugly, poor or Low Born.

What bargain do the knight and old woman strike?

What deal does the knight make with the old woman he meets, and how does he fulfill his bargain with her? In exchange for the correct answer to the queen’s question, the knight will do whatever the old woman asks of him. To fulfill the bargain, he marries her, because that is her demand.

Why is the knight unable to find the answer to the riddle?

Why is the knight unable to find the answer to the riddle even though he asks many women? The Wife of Bath criticizes women by saying they are hypocritical. They want to do as they please but want to appear virtuous.

How does the Knight treat his wife?

How does the knight treat his new wife of the first night of their wedding? The knight is awful to the old woman, sulking and generally refusing to acknowledge that they are married. He does this because he is disgusted with her low social class and age that tarnish his reputation.

What is the answer to the question the knight in The Wife of Bath’s Tale must answer to earn his freedom?

The knight has stolen the virtue of a maiden. To live, he must answer the question, “What is the thing that women most desire?” He has a year and a day to find the answer.

What arguments does the old woman use to put the knight to shame?

– Lines 322-358-What arguments does the old woman use to put the knight to shame? The old woman argues that gentleness and virtuous deeds aren’t something passed on through birth. Vice and bad manners are what make a man low class. The man is told how honorable he is not.

Why does the queen ask the king not to kill the knight?

Why does the queen ask the king not to kill the knight? She thinks justice will be better served if he learns a lesson. Why does the queen give the knight a chance to save his life? She thinks it is more important to teach him a lesson than to kill him.

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