In what sense is the Wife of Bath prologue dramatic explain?

In what sense is the Wife of Bath prologue dramatic explain?

Answer: The Wife of Bath uses the prologue to explain the basis of her theories about experience versus authority and to introduce the point that she illustrates in her tale: The thing women most desire is complete control (“sovereignty”) over their husbands.

How do the pilgrims decide who will begin the storytelling?

The other pilgrims agree that Harry Bailly should judge who tells the best tale. In order to decide who will tell the first story, Harry Bailly asks the Knight, the Clerk and the Prioress to draw straws. The Knight draws the shortest straw. Consequently, “The Knight’s Tale” is the first of The Canterbury Tales.

Who will determine the best tale in the contest?

Harry Bailey

What reward is suggested for the best tale?

In Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, the prize for telling the best tale on their pilgrimage was a free dinner, paid for by all who are going on the journey to Canterbury. It is the Innkeeper who comes up with the idea to offer a prize.

Which members of the clergy appear to be corrupt or sinful?

There are 30 characters including Chaucer and the Host. Which members of the clergy appear to be corrupt or sinful? The Monk; the Pardoner; the Friar; and the Summoner appear corrupt.

What seems to be Chaucer’s opinion of the clergy?

Chaucer’s opinion on friars is quite clear and perhaps the strongest criticism on Church corruption compared to his other religious travellers. The Friar’s equal in moral corruption ironically is his most hostile enemy on the pilgrimage: the Summoner, a feared figure in medieval England.

Why is the Pardoner corrupt?

The religious that the Pardoner teaching is corrupted and very selfish, greediness, and gluttony. The Pardoner act and his teaching are all corrupted because of the church. It shows the side of greediness, gluttony and selfishness which highly reflect into himself and his believe.

How does Chaucer satirize the church?

Chaucer satirizes the Church of his time, by using several characters to show that. He uses both Monk and Pardoner to show that he does actually satirize about the church. Chaucer says that the Monk is someone who should be at the monastery praying all hours of the day.

How does Chaucer satirize the friar?

Chaucer uses a subtle sarcasm to express his dislike. He describes the monk as liking to spend his time hunting and riding fine horses. He describes the monk as being finely dressed with fur-trimmed robes.

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