What makes your house a home?

What makes your house a home?

A home is any place where you are comfortable, and feel as if you can be yourself. A home is a place where you just feed off of positive energy and feel free. It does not matter whether your home is outside in nature or in an apartment, as long as your heart is there.

What is the most precious according to the lesson a house is not a home?

Answer: The story conveys the message that camaraderie and bonhomie are two strong factors that help build genuine relationships. Zan felt awkward, isolated and embarrassed by the changes that marked his early teenage.

What is the message of the story a house is not a home?

01 A House Is Not a Home This story reflects the challenges of being a teenager, and the problems of growing up. The author drives home the message that life without affection is useless. Her feelings of depression and insecurity were natural when she thought that she had lost everything.

What problem is mentioned with the boy initially in the story a house is not a home?

The narrator (Zan): The narrator is a schoolboy who moves from Junior school to High School. Initially, he finds some problems in adjusting to life in the new school. Unfortunately, his house gets burned down in a fire and he is in deep trouble. But his schoolmates help him out by providing everything to him.

What is the central idea of the poem a house a home?

The basic idea of the post in the poem. A House, A Home is to show the importance of a home over a house.

How did the fire affect the author’s life in the house is not a home?

Ans: The fire tragedy changed the author’s life. He was so depressed that he did not want to grow up and wanted to die. But his reunion with his cat, his new friends in the school and his new house made his house ‘a home’ where he could live.

Which three things made the author’s house a home?

The 3 things which made the authors house a home are :

  • his friends.
  • his cat.
  • his feeling of having a family.

Who did they borrow money from why a house is not a home?

Answer: They had to borrow money from her grandparents, because all the credit cards, cash, and even their identification papers had been burnt in the fire. Hence, withdrawing money from the bank was also difficult. Question 18.

What did the teachers of the old school advise the narrator in a house is not a home?

How was the narrator encouraged by his old teachers in the story a house is not a home? Dear Student, The narrator’s old teachers encouraged him to participate and involve in the activities going on in his new school. They motivated him to mix well with everyone in his new school.

What did the teachers of the old school advice the narrator in a house is not a home?

What advice did her junior high teachers give her? Answer: They encouraged her to get involved with activities in her new school so that she could meet new people. They were confident that she would adjust in time and start loving the new school as well.

How did Olga save Lushkoff?

Answer: When ever lushkoff was send to work olga would swear and call him a miserable beggar and then cry over his fate. then she herself would do lushkoffs work. her suffering for him changed lushkoffs mind and saved him.

What did the old teachers of the narrator tell him when he had gone to meet them?

Answer. Answer: The narrator feels isolated in his new school. His old school teachers and friends are dear to him.

What did his teachers advise him?

To encourage him and help him adjust in his new school, the teachers advised him to get involved in school activities as it would help him to meet new people. They also made him promise that he would come to visit them from time to time even if he would love his new school more.

Why did the author feel isolated in his new school in the lesson a house is not a home?

Answer -The author felt isolated because he was uncomfortable with his new school due to his old school memories. And then the fire which broke in their house made him feel more isolated than ever .

What was the psychology behind the teacher advice?

Answer: It teaches and examines essential principles of human behavior that can shape learning. Psychology also helps teachers use measurements and assessments correctly, to better gauge where students are in their learning. …

Why did the author visit his old teacher how did they encourage him?

Answer: the author visited his old school as he missed his old teachers. they encourage him to get involved in school activities. because they had an accident by fire in his house and his belongings were destroyed.

What inspired the feeling of gratitude in the author’s heart at the end of the story a house is not a home?

Answer. He felt gratitude for his life, for his new friends, the kindness of a stranger and his beloved cat. Zan too had returned to his normal cheerful life as his cat had returned home. This story reflects the challenges of being a teenager and the problems of growing up.

What did the author gain from his visit to school?

Answer. The author visited his old school as he missed his old teachers. They encouraged him to get involved in school activities.

Why did author miss his old teacher?

Ans: The author missed his old teachers because they would encourage him to get involved in school activities so that he could meet new people. Their affection, warmth, and cooperation in making him feel special made the author miss them.

How did the author get rid of his feelings of loss and tragedy at the end of a house is not a home?

But once his house caught fire and he lost everything, including his beloved cat. After many months when his house was rebuilt, a lady brought back his beloved cat to him whom he missed a lot and this is how he overcame the feelings of loss and tragedy at the end of the story.

Why did author love his cat so much?

Answer: The cat and the author were very fond of each other. The author said that the cat was never far from him. He had rescued it when it was a kitten and he felt that it knew that he was the one responsible for giving it ‘the good life’.

Why did the author keep visiting the remains of the house?

Answer. Answer: He kept on visiting his old home in the hope that he might get his little kitten back…

Why did the mother rush back to the house again?

Answer. Author’s mother ran back into the house to save some important document. Again, she ran into the house to get some important pictures and letters of her husband.

What made the author regain his confidence and come back to life?

Explanation: The new friends in the new school and their supportive nature helped the author to find new friends. The lady from the neighbor helped him to find his cat which he had lost. This brought new confidence and strength in his life.

What was the author doing when he got his cat back who was with him?

Answer. Answer: A kind lady came with the author’s cat and gave it to him. It brought a new life for the author.

What was the author doing when he saw smoke pouring in through the window?

Answer: The author was doing his homework when he saw the smoke pouring out of the kitchen window.

How did the author feel after the cat has been returned to him?

Answer. Answer: Answer: His new friends in the new school and the kindness of the lady, who returned his cat, helped the author in getting rid of his feelings of loss and tragedy. He regained confidence.

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