Is PS in an email professional?

Is PS in an email professional?

“PS” can be used in either formal or informal letters and emails, as long as the tone and context more or less match that of the rest of the message.

How do you write PS in a letter example?

Add more postscripts by adding a ‘P’ to “P.S.” The “post” in “postscript” is a Latin word meaning ‘after’ (“script” means ‘writing’ in Latin), and so when you add another ‘P’ to a “P.S.’”, you are creating an “after-after-writing” to form P.P.S.

What is PS in chatting?


What is PS Facebook?

PS means “post scriptum”. In simple words if you forget to mention something in your text then, you can write it like “PS: ‘The thing you forgot’ “.

What is the full form of NB?

What does NB mean? Nota Bene (N.B., N.b., n.b or NB, Nb, nb) is a Latin phrase, meaning “note well“ or “take notice” or “please note”. NB is used to emphasize or draw attention to something that should be observed carefully or take special notice.

How do you use NB example?

Examples of Usage

  1. You will have 60 minutes to complete the test. N.B.: A single 3×5 index card of notes may be used during this exam.
  2. The train will depart at 10 a.m. on February 2. N.b: Tickets cannot be exchanged or refunded.

What is NB in text?

NB is an abbreviation meaning “Not Bad”. Is also short for “Nota Bene (Latin for please note)”.

What is a nota?

“None of the above”, or NOTA for short, also known as “against all” or a “scratch” vote, is a ballot option in some jurisdictions or organizations, designed to allow the voter to indicate disapproval of the candidates in a voting system.

What does NB stand for in an email?

Note Well

What does being NB mean?


Is Bigender a genderqueer?

Non-binary people may identify as having two or more genders (being bigender or trigender); having no gender (agender, nongendered, genderless, genderfree); moving between genders or having a fluctuating gender identity (genderfluid); being third gender or other-gendered (a category that includes those who do not place …

What does the 2 in LGBTQ2 mean?

A person whose gender identity is different from the sex placed on their birth certificate. “Q” stands for Queer. Queer is an umbrella term often time used to categorize the entirety of the LGBTQ2+ community. Next, we have the “2”. It’s for Two-Spirits.

What is Lgbtqiapk?

What Does LGBTQIAPK Mean? (Definitions) For this guide, LGBTQIAPK refers to: Lesbian: women who have emotional and/or sexual attraction to other women. Gay: men who have emotional and/or sexual attraction to other men. Bisexual: a person who is emotionally and/or sexually attracted to both men and women.

What is the 2+ in LGBTQ2 +?

2249. What does LGBTQ2+ mean? LGBTQ2+ is an abbreviation that stands for: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (or sometimes questioning), and two-spirited.

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