How do you write six feet tall?

How do you write six feet tall?

Six feet tall doesn’t have the dash. If you’re talking about the height of a person, it’s six feet. However, if you’re adding an additional number, like 6′2 for example, You would say “He/She is six-foot two.”

How do you abbreviate height?

Summary: Height Abbreviation There are two common abbreviations of height: ht. and hgt. If you want to make either of these plural, simply add on an “s.”

How do you abbreviate foot?

The foot ( pl. feet), abbreviation and IEEE standard symbol: ft, is a unit of length in the British imperial and United States customary systems of measurement.

Is 6ft 2 too tall for a guy?

6′2″/188cm is legitimately tall for men. The ideal height range for men though is 6′1″ to 6′5″. 6′0″/183 is seen as the shortest height in the acceptable range, and most women will be completely fine with a guy who is six feet tall and most men won’t consider him short or small.

Is 6ft too tall for a guy?

6′2″ is legitimately tall for men. The ideal height range for men though is 6′0″ to 6′3″. Anything under 6′0″ is far too short to be respected. So yes, six feet to six-foot-three is the ideal male height range, with six-foot-one being perfect.

Are tall people smarter?

Statistics. Across studies, the correlation coefficient of height and intelligence was generally found to be around 0.2, indicating a positive association between height and intelligence which is weak but still statistically significant.

Are tall guys bigger?

there’s only one anatomical feature that (very) generally correlates with penis size — and it’s not the hand. In a study of thirty-three hundred Italian men, researchers found that only height was correlated with larger penises, meaning the taller the man, the larger the penis.

Which height lives the longest?

Men taller than 6’4”, on the other hand, checked out around the age of 64. * The residents of Okinawa, an island off the coast of Japan, have historically had the longest life expectancy on earth—age 78 for men—and a 40 percent lower risk of heart disease and cancer.

Are tall people stronger?

So no, it is not accurate to say that taller people are stronger or that shorter people have an easier time looking muscular. It is true that a tall person has more potential for longer muscle bellies but their strength will still be determined by other factors.

What body type lives the longest?

When it comes to body shape and longevity, it’s more helpful to compare apples and pears. That’s the message of a study published in the journal PLOS ONE that found that pear-shaped people, who have comparatively thinner waists than people shaped like apples, tend to live longer.

What things shorten your life?

They ultimately pinpointed six factors that have the most impact: smoking, alcohol abuse, lack of physical activity, economic/financial difficulties, social adversity, and negative psychological characteristics. The researchers say these predictors can be used to understand individual mortality risk.

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