
Who is Frederick Douglass and what did he do?

Who is Frederick Douglass and what did he do?

Abolitionist leader Frederick Douglass was born into slavery sometime around 1818 in Talbot County, Maryland. He became one of the most famous intellectuals of his time, advising presidents and lecturing to thousands on a range of causes, including women’s rights and Irish home rule.

What did Frederick Douglass do to fight slavery?

Douglass’s goals were to “abolish slavery in all its forms and aspects, promote the moral and intellectual improvement of the COLORED PEOPLE, and hasten the day of FREEDOM to the Three Millions of our enslaved fellow countrymen.” How else did Douglass promote freedom?

What did Frederick Douglass believe?

Committed to freedom, Douglass dedicated his life to achieving justice for all Americans, in particular African-Americans, women, and minority groups. He envisioned America as an inclusive nation strengthened by diversity and free of discrimination.

How do you get rid of a comma splice?

Five Ways to Fix a Run-on or Comma Splice

  1. Add a period and a capital letter. Add a period and a capital letter to separate the sentences.
  2. Add a comma and a coordinating conjunction. Add a comma and a coordinating conjunction.
  3. Add a semicolon.
  4. Add a “transitional word”
  5. Add a subordinating conjunction.

Can a semicolon replace a comma?

Rule to Remember Use a semicolon to replace a comma when you use a coordinating conjunction to link independent clauses that already contain commas. Use semicolons to replace commas when individual items in a series are long or contain commas. Use a semicolon instead of a comma to separate the items.

Why would you use a semicolon?

A semicolon is most commonly used to link (in a single sentence) two independent clauses that are closely related in thought. When a semicolon is used to join two or more ideas (parts) in a sentence, those ideas are then given equal position or rank.

Where do colons go?

You can use a colon to connect two sentences when the second sentence summarizes, sharpens, or explains the first. Both sentences should be complete, and their content should be very closely related.

Do you capitalize the first word after a semicolon?

Do not capitalize the first word in a list after a semicolon unless the word is a proper noun, e.g., During Julie’s vacation, she visited many Canadian cities, including St. Capitalize an author’s name after a semicolon in a multi-author citation, e.g., (Brown & Lee, 2010; Johnson & Smith, 2009).

Does a capital letter follow a colon?

A colon is nearly always preceded by a complete sentence; what follows the colon may or may not be a complete sentence, and it may be a mere list or even a single word. A colon is not normally followed by a capital letter in British usage, though American usage often prefers to use a capital.

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