
What do you love about community?

What do you love about community?

Seven reasons why I love my community

  • The people. The more I live in this community, the more I realize that it’s such a “caring” community.
  • The Family Friendly Atmosphere. It’s a great place to have children and raise a family.
  • The Small Town.
  • The Scenery and Fresh Air.
  • No Traffic Jam.
  • The Pastors.
  • The Faith Communities.

Why is it important to treat everyone with respect?

Receiving respect from others is important because it helps us to feel safe and to express ourselves. Respect means that you accept somebody for who they are, even when they’re different from you or you don’t agree with them. Respect in your relationships builds feelings of trust, safety, and wellbeing.

How should people treated?

With that in mind, let’s take a look at some practical tips for living the Golden Rule in your daily life:

  1. Practice empathy.
  2. Practice compassion.
  3. How would you want to be treated?
  4. Be friendly.
  5. Be helpful.
  6. Be courteous in traffic.
  7. Listen to others.
  8. Overcome prejudice.

Should you treat everyone the same?

Every human being should be treated equally according to their human rights. Nobody has the right to own another person or to force them to work under threat or punishment. Equal does not mean that we are all the same.

What you will do if someone treats you in bad way?

Your goals are..

  1. Find a way to live a peaceful life – without the difficult person’s negativity being a constant in your life.
  2. Keep the toxic person at a safe emotional distance.
  3. Feel good that you are operating as your highest self. So make sure you remain a kind person. Yes, even to jerks. Let them be a jerk.

How do you teach someone how do you treat you?

What It Means to Teach People How to Treat You

  1. Start with yourself.
  2. Talk about your “rules of engagement.”
  3. Communicate your needs clearly and compassionately.
  4. Model how you’d like to be treated.
  5. Reinforce behaviors you like.
  6. Pick a role model to emulate.
  7. Have realistic expectations.

How others treat you is a reflection?

Very often the way we treat others is the way we look at the world. It’s a reflection of how we feel about life, in general – especially as it relates to us. Their discontentment with life makes them discontent with just about everyone in it. Like most things in life, the choice is ours.

What is the golden rule of respect?

The golden rule is a moral principle which denotes that you should treat others the way you want to be treated yourself. For example, the golden rule suggests that if you would like people to treat you with respect, then you should make sure to treat them with respect too.

Why do I let someone treat me bad?

It means: if you allow others to treat you unfairly, it signifies on an unconscious level that you feel unworthy. Whilst you realise it is unacceptable, you feel vindictive because you didn’t stand up for yourself. You might blame the other person for treating you wrongly and they may have done so.

How you treat me is your path How react is mine?

SZA on Twitter: ““How others treat me is their path . How I react is mine.””

What you do is your karma?

It means that whatever you do will come back to you at some point. If you are a good person, good things will happen. If you are a bad person, bad things will happen. Let’s see what some people around the world have said about karma.

What does karma say about love?

and Karma said “You will love someone who doesn’t love you, for not loving someone who did”

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