
What is the archetype in The Devil and Tom Walker?

What is the archetype in The Devil and Tom Walker?

The archetype for the “The Devil and Tom Walker” would be that of Faust. Washington’s story describes the archetypal “deal with the devil” that ends in tragedy. It is usually the case that the benefits associated with a Faustian bargain are dwarfed by what is required in return.

What sort of foreshadowing does the opening paragraph provide in The Devil and Tom Walker?

Tom stops and rests are the scary and lonely place in the woods. People avoided this area because it was the place where Indian tribes held human sacrifices. This foreshadows the appearance of the devil because it shows that tom is in place where the devil was once welcomed.

What symbolizes hypocrisy and hidden evil in The Devil and Tom Walker?

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Question Answer
What does Irving use to symbolize hypocrisy and hidden evil? The flourishing trees that are rotten to the core
What enabled you to predict that the figure that appears to Tom in the forest is the devil? He has large red eyes.

What does Tom’s new house symbolize in The Devil and Tom Walker?

Tom’s house represents the ostentatious side of greed as Tom shows himself to be wealthy, while the lack of furnishings shows the more practical side of greed that withholds unnecessary expenditure. When Tom grows rich as a usurer, he builds himself a house that reflects his greedy and miserly character.

What does the Bible symbolize in The Devil and Tom Walker?

Bible buried under the Mortgage When the devil arrives to take Tom away, Irving writes “He had left his little Bible at the bottom of his coat-pocket and his big Bible on the desk buried under the mortgage he was about to foreclose:” This symbolically represents the extent of Tom’s greed and moral decay.

What happens to Tom Walker’s riches in the end?

What has happened to Tom’s wealth by the end of the story? By the end of the story, his gold and silver in his iron chest was filled with chips and two skeletons laying in his stable instead of horses. His house burned down to the ground.

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