
How do you introduce multiple authors in APA?

How do you introduce multiple authors in APA?

For APA, if there are only two authors, cite both each time; if there are between three and five, cite them all the first time then cite as “First et al., 2014” in subsequent citations; if there are six or more, use “et al.” every time. For IEEE, use of “et al.” begins at three authors, and you use “et al.”.

How do you use et al in a paper?

Use the word “and” between the authors’ names within the text and use the ampersand in parentheses. In subsequent citations, only use the first author’s last name followed by “et al.” in the signal phrase or in parentheses. In et al., et should not be followed by a period.

What rights does a co owner have?

Co-owners have equal rights to possession of the property, and equal rights and responsibilities. If one co-owner excludes the other from the property, the excluded co-owner can recover the property’s rental value from the excluding co-owner.

Who owns the car if two names are on the title?

Both named title holders are legal owners. The only difference is how the names may be separated. If there is an AND between the names both named title holders must sign the title for it to be sold or traded. If an OR separates the two names either can sign off on the title for it to be sold or traded.

What happens when one co-owner wants to sell?

Joint Property Ownership When One Party Wants to Sell The law allows any co-owner to facture the joint ownership via a partition action. Yes! In most cases, ANY co-owner (even a minority owner) can force a sale of the property regardless of whether the other owners want to sell or not.

Can I sell my half of a jointly owned property?

A: You can sell all or a part of any interest in real estate that you own unless you are restricted by an agreement not to. One such method is where the co-owners sign an agreement giving the other owners the “right of first refusal” if another owner wants to sell the property.

Can I force a co owner to sell?

You can obtain a court order to sell a co-owned property if the court finds you have a compelling reason to sell. The court can’t divide a house in half, so instead, it can force owners to sell, even if they’re unwilling. Profit or loss from the sale is divided among the owners based on their stake.

Can you sell half a duplex?

The duplex is probably a single parcel of real estate and it is not possible to sell the “rental half.” If the parents sell half, the buyer gets an undivided one half interest in the whole parcel.

How do you force sale of tenants in common property?

A tenant in common interest holder can force a sale by either selling their own interest, or filing an action to partition the property. This does not force a sale of your share.

Can tenants in common force a sale?

A If you and your co-owners are tenants in common – and so each own a distinct share of the property – then yes you can force a sale. Whatever your position, you will need to seek independent legal advice if you decide that forcing a sale is the way to go.

Can a surviving tenant in common sell the property?

If you hold your property as tenants in common and wish to sell the property following the death of your partner, as the property’s legal owner, you have the right to do this. You can appoint an additional trustee in place of the deceased owner to give good receipt for purchase monies and enable the sale to proceed.

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