
What time period is The Merchant of Venice set?

What time period is The Merchant of Venice set?

The Merchant of Venice is a play by William Shakespeare in which a merchant in 16th-century Venice must default on a large loan provided by an abused Jewish moneylender. It is believed to have been written between 1596 and 1598.

What is the setting of the play of the Merchant of Venice?

The Merchant of Venice is set in Italy in the sixteenth century, mainly in Venice. At that time, Venice was an independent city-state. In Shakespeare’s era, setting plays, especially comedies, in Italy was a popular practice, and Shakespeare used Italian settings for many of his works.

Does anyone die in The Merchant of Venice?

No one dies in The Merchant of Venice. Antonio is on the verge of being killed by Shylock.

Who Is the Real Merchant of Venice?

The Merchant of Venice is a 16th-century play written by William Shakespeare in which a merchant in Venice named Antonio defaults on a large loan provided by a Jewish moneylender, Shylock….

The Merchant of Venice
Original language English
Series First Folio
Subject Debt
Genre Shakespearean comedy

What is the main message of Merchant of Venice?

The Merchant of Venice is structured partly on the contrast between idealistic and realistic opinions about society and relationships. On the one hand, the play tells us that love is more important than money, mercy is preferable to revenge, and love lasts forever.

Who does Shylock hate?


Why is The Merchant of Venice so popular?

The Merchant of Venice is one of the Shakespear’s most popular romantic comedies. Thus the reason of popularity of Merchant of Venice is easily recognised. It is a play with rich romantic elements that raises complex issues of justice mercy and the bonds that join people together.

Who is the real villain in The Merchant of Venice?

Shylock is a fictional character in William Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice (c. 1600). A Venetian Jewish moneylender, Shylock is the play’s principal antagonist. His defeat and conversion to Christianity form the climax of the story.

Why did Shylock hate Antonio?

Shylock hates Antonio because Antonio has the privilege of being a wealthy Venetian who charges no interest on his loans, and he also hates Antonio for being a Christian. Antonio not only loans money interest-free to many, he has also covered the loans of Shylock’s victims without charging them interest to repay him.

Why is Shylock the victim?

Shylock is a victim of harassment by the Christians, a victim of betrayal by his own daughter, and a victim of prejudice because he had to give up his religion due to wanting Antonio’s flesh. In this play, The Merchant of Venice, Shylock is the victim, because he is mistreated.

Did Shylock deserve his punishment?

Answer. Shylock was persued by Portia into claiming his crime. Still, Antonio lossened his punishment but it was still too much for such a crime. He deserved much less punishment than he got.

Do you sympathize with Shylock?

I feel sympathy towards Shylock before the court case because he was terrorised for being Jewish. The play begins with Antonio, the merchant, feeling very depressed. He struggles to understand why he is feeling this way but immediately cheers up when Bassanio returns. They agree and Shylock gives Bassanio the money.

Why does Shylock refuse to show mercy?

Shylock does not show any mercy as he feels that he has done nothing wrong and therefore need not fear judgement. Shylock reasons that he should be allowed to do what he wishes with the pound of flesh as he had bought it, in the same way slaves are under the power of their slave-owners.

Does Shylock deserve sympathy?

The most obvious source of sympathy for Shylock is that he is part of a despised minority, treated with contempt and loathing on the basis of his religion. As a Jew in an overwhelmingly Christian city, Shylock is subjected to all kinds of humiliating restrictions, both legal and social.

What happens to Shylock in the end?

At the end of the Merchant of Venice, Shylock is forced to get converted to Christianity. His possessions, which according to the Venetian law are technically for the State and Antonio to do with as they please, are given back to him on the condition that after his demise, they shall be passed onto Jessica and Lorenzo.

Do you feel any sympathy for Shylock explain why?

Answer. I feel sympathy towards Shylock before the court case because he was terrorised for being Jewish. The play begins with Antonio, the merchant, feeling very depressed. Bassanio asks Antonio for a loan of money but Antonio does not have any money because it is all on his ships.

What does Portia say about mercy?

Portia says that mercy is like the rain from heaven. It is so gentle and nice. She also mentions that mercy cannot be forced. She says that “Mercy is twice blessed”.

Why did Shylock call Portia a Daniel?

Shylock does not want Bassanio’s money or his life. So, when Portia, disguised as a lawyer, says “it cannot be” that Bassanio is allowed to save Antonio, because it would establish a bad precedent, Shylock is delighted. He calls Portia a “Daniel,” after the Biblical Daniel, who was known as a wise judge.

How does Portia trick Shylock?

Expert Answers Portia then gives Shylock a knife to retrieve the pound of flesh but mentions that the law will not allow a drop of blood. She tells Shylock that if Antonio bleeds during the operation, the Venetian court is entitled to confiscate his land and property.

Why does Portia later say we do pray for mercy?

Portia implores Shylock to forfeit the bond and show mercy because mercy, in itself will be rewarded by the giving and taking,”…it is twice bless’d.” Also, mercy is the most important asset of monarchs (kings), for a king who employs mercy does not let his power overtake him:”…it becomes the throned monarch better …

Who falls in love with Nerissa?


What are the key qualities of mercy?

The single attributes are contained in the verses as follows:

  • יְהוָה YHVH: compassion before a person sins;
  • יְהוָה YHVH: compassion after a person has sinned;
  • אֵל El: mighty in compassion to give all creatures according to their need;
  • רַחוּם Raḥum: merciful, that humankind may not be distressed;

How shalt thou hope for mercy?

Just let me receive my punishment, and let the Jew take his penalty. I would choose to take my penalty. DUKE. How shalt thou hope for mercy, rendering none?

Why was Shylock angry with his daughter?

Answer Expert Verified. Shylock channels all his grief of Jessica’s leaving into anger against Antonio, because: Jessica eloped with a Christian despite knowing that her father has often been insulted by Christians. So, he feels that it is the Christians who have made his daughter go against him.

Who gives Bassanio’s ring to Portia?


What is ironic about Antonio’s acceptance of his fate?

yes because if the roles were reversed, the Duke would not be surprised. What is ironic about Antonio’s acceptance of his fate? His intent is to make Antonio an example. It’s a way of getting back for the way he is treated.

How much money does Antonio borrow from Shylock?

Shylock lends the money to Antonio with some slightly gory conditions. Bassanio approaches the Jewish moneylender, Shylock, and asks to borrow 3000 ducats with Antonio as a bond . Shylock points out that Antonio’s money is invested at sea, and a loan is risky because the ships might sink or be attacked by pirates.

Why is Shylock stripped of his possessions at the end of the trial scene?

Why is Shylock stripped of his possessions? Because he tried to murder or harm a christian. Apart from the financial conditions , what does Antonio’s new arrangement demand of Shylock? He doubles his money and Antonio does not lose one pound of flesh, and half of the money goes to Jessica.

How does Shylock respond to Antonio begging for mercy?

Shylock replies that Antonio will soon be bankrupt and swears to collect his bond. Salarino doubts Shylock’s resolve, wondering what the old man will do with a pound of flesh, to which Shylock chillingly replies that Antonio’s flesh will at least feed his revenge.

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