
What is the difference between discursive and argumentative essay?

What is the difference between discursive and argumentative essay?

A discursive essay differs from an argumentative essay in that it researches and evaluates an argument by offering varied opposing perspectives while an argumentative essay researches and evaluates a topic by offering one perspective.

What is the difference between discursive and persuasive?

Structurally, persuasive writing can overlap with discursive writing. The difference is in the purpose. Discursive writing simply aims to explore a number of perspectives; persuasive writing aims to convince the reader of the validity of one perspective.

What is discursive ability?

The ability to organize language material in a holistic and related text (discourse) is the main skill of discursive competence. Discursive competence implies knowledge of more complex factors beyond the text, and based on not only knowledge of the language.

What is a discursive space?

The discursive space is a representation of knowledge and can be interpreted as the system of acquiring this knowledge. This space is connected with the world of facts by a relationship of supervenience, which can be interpreted as a flow of knowledge.

What is a discursive field?

Discursive fields “consist of competing ways of giving meaning to the world and of organizing social institutions and processes” (Weedon, 1987, p. Discursive fields can be conceptualized as a series of discrete but over-lapping discourses and practices, shaped by institutions and disciplines, slowly changing over time.

What is technologies of self?

Foucault defined technologies of the self as techniques that allow individuals to effect by their own means a certain number of operations on their own bodies, minds, souls, and lifestyle, so as to transform themselves in order to attain a certain state of happiness, and quality of life.

What is neoliberal Governmentality?

For Foucault, Neoliberal governmentality is a particular form of post-welfare state politics in which the state essentially outsources the responsibility for ensuring the ‘well-being’ of the population.

Is Foucault postmodern?

Foucault’s ideas gave rise in the 1970s and ’80s to philosophical postmodernism, a movement characterized by broad epistemological skepticism and ethical subjectivism, a general suspicion of reason, and an acute sensitivity to the role of ideology in asserting and maintaining political and economic power.

What is the definition of postmodern?

A general and wide-ranging term which is applied to literature, art, philosophy, architecture, fiction, and cultural and literary criticism, among others. Postmodernism is largely a reaction to the assumed certainty of scientific, or objective, efforts to explain reality.

What is the goal of postmodernism?

As a philosophy, postmodernism rejects concepts of rationality, objectivity, and universal truth. Instead, it emphasizes the diversity of human experience and multiplicity of perspectives.

How do you identify postmodernism?

Some of the things that distinguish postmodern aesthetic work from modernist work are as follows:

  1. extreme self-reflexivity.
  2. irony and parody.
  3. a breakdown between high and low cultural forms.
  4. retro.
  5. a questioning of grand narratives.
  6. visuality and the simulacrum vs.
  7. late capitalism.
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