
What is the meaning of I know that I know nothing?

What is the meaning of I know that I know nothing?

I know that I know nothing – a motto of humility From the perspective of Socrates, any knowledge or information he did have was likely to be insignificant (or even completely false) compared to how much was left to be discovered.

What does I know that I am intelligent because I know that I know nothing mean?

What did Socrates mean by “I know I am intelligent because I know nothing”? Socrates realized that by not knowing anything, he was wiser than everyone in Athens. Socrates realized that by not knowing anything, he was wiser than everyone in Athens.

How did Socrates know that he knew nothing?

Socrates begins all wisdom with wondering, thus one must begin with admitting one’s ignorance. After all, Socrates’ dialectic method of teaching was based on that he as a teacher knew nothing, so he would derive knowledge from his students by dialogue.

What did Socrates mean by saying he’s a gadfly?

According to the words put into his mouth by Plato, Socrates believed that he had been sent by the gods to act as a “gadfly” to the Athenian state. He saw the state as “a great and noble steed” which had to be reminded of its proper duties.

What does Socrates say in the apology?

In the Apology of Socrates, Plato cites no total numbers of votes condemning or acquitting the philosopher of the accusations of moral corruption and impiety; Socrates says that he would have been acquitted if thirty more jurors had voted in his favour.

What insect does Socrates compare himself to?


How did Socrates become gadfly?

According to the words put into his mouth by Plato, Socrates believed that he had been sent by the gods to act as a “gadfly” to the Athenian state. Socrates believed he did this by stinging the steed of state “all day long and in all places”. No wonder it wanted to get rid of him by forcing him to commit suicide!

How does Socrates defend himself in the apology?

Socrates defends himself against the charges brought against him by his prosecutor Meletus in two ways. The second defense consists of Socrates responding directly to the two charges brought against him: “corrupting the young” and impiety, or more specifically, “not believing in the gods in whom the city believes” (p.

Who wrote the apology?


Why is Plato’s Apology important?

It offers what many scholars believe is a fairly reliable account of what the Athenian philosopher Socrates (469 BCE – 399 BCE) said in court on the day that he was tried and condemned to death on charges of impiety and corrupting the youth.

Who crosses Socrates examine?

However, within the Apology we do have Plato’s record of Socrates’ cross-examination of Meletus, per the Athenian legal convention allowing the defendant to cross-examine the accuser. Using his characteristic Socratic method, Socrates makes Meletus to seem an inarticulate fool.

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