
Why does Juliet take a dagger to bed with her?

Why does Juliet take a dagger to bed with her?

She takes a dagger to her bed because if the potion does not work she will kill herself with the dagger. He mixed a potion that will kill her and it is made out of poison. What does Juliet fear about Friar Laurence and the potion? Romeo dreams that he is dead.

Does Paris kiss Juliet?

In Act 4, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet, Paris is with Friar Lawrence. He speaking to the Friar of his upcoming marriage to Juliet when she herself walks in on them. When Paris leaves he says, “Till then, adieu, and keep this holy kiss” as he kisses Juliet.

Did Paris love Juliet give evidence?

Did Paris love Juliet? (Give evidence to support your answer.) Paris did not know Juliet that well, but was excited to marry her. (Romeo comments that Juliet looks just as beautiful in death as she did in life, with roses in her cheeks and lips. He doesn’t realize that the “death” is just a potion that’s wearing off.

What is the real reason for Juliet’s apology?

what is the real reason for juliet’s apology? by gaining her father trust. why is capulet so quickly convinced with juliet? He thinks his daughter confesses her sins and juliet is telling her father what he wants to hear.

What does Juliet worry about before drinking the potion?

As she prepares to drink the sleeping potion prepared for her by Friar Lawrence, Juliet fears that it might actually be poison, that it might not work (which means she will have to marry Paris), or that it might wear off early, leaving her to wake up in a tomb and go mad with fear.

Who fails to deliver the letter to Romeo?

Friar John replies that he was unable to deliver the letter because he was shut up in a quarantined house due to an outbreak of plague. Friar Lawrence becomes upset, realizing that if Romeo does not know about Juliet’s false death, there will be no one to retrieve her from the tomb when she awakes.

What does Juliet threaten if she doesn’t get out of the wedding?

If Friar Laurence cannot help her, what does Juliet threaten to do? If Friar Laurence can not help Juliet, she threaten to kill herself.

What explanation does Friar Lawrence give Paris for being reluctant to marry him to Juliet?

SCENE ONE: What is Friar Laurence’s reasoning for being reluctant to marry Paris to Juliet? Friar Laurence is reluctant to marry Paris to Juliet because Juliet is too upset over Tybalt and will be confused from grief. She needs a clear head.

Who does Juliet ask for forgiveness?

Juliet asks her parents’ forgiveness and agrees to marry Paris because….. Capulet’s decision to move up the date of the wedding affects…..

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