
What is the main idea of inside out and back again?

What is the main idea of inside out and back again?

The theme of Inside Out and Back Again is “it takes hope, determination, and family to push through hard times.”

How is Ha’s life turned back again?

Ha’s life is turning back again because she is enjoying herself even though she was bullied at school. She explains that her life is better since she can go to school. Her life turned back again because she can go anywhere and have an education without being unwanted or discriminated for who they are.

How do the lives of refugees turn inside out when they are forced to flee and find home?

Once refugees leave home, they have to find asylum in another country until they can resettle into a new home. When refugees flee, their lives twist and turn inside out because of all the changes they go through and everything they leave behind or lose.

How is the novel inside out and back again an example of the universal refugee experience?

In the novel,” Inside Out and Back Again” Ha and refugees go through big changes also. Ha’s experience in the novel offers many examples of a refugee experience. Refugee’s lives turn “inside out” by separation, no choices, and traveling. Lives are turned inside out by no choice in what they want.

Why does Ha’s family flee?

Ha is a little girl growing up in Saigon, Vietnam with her Mother and 2 brothers. One day the war gets too close to their home so Ha and her family flee to the port in hope to get on a Navy ship that is helping people flee Vietnam.

What has happened to Ha’s father?

In the beginning of the book, it mentions that Hà’s father, a soldier in the Vietnam war, was captured by the North Vietnamese Army when she was only a year old. In the end, Hà’s family figures out that unfortunately, her father had died while in North Vietnamese hands.

How is Ha’s mother affected by the war?

-Ha’s mother has her family join the church even though it isn’t their religion. -Ha’s mother is impacted most by the war when she finds out that her husband is dead. He doesn’t talk to the family about how he does at school. -Brother Vu also has to finish his senior year of school since it was delayed by the war.

What is Brother Khoi’s secret?

Ha’s brother Khoi has an unpleasant secret. It’s related to the nasty stink that seems to emanate from his general direction. No matter how much he sweats or how smelly he gets he keeps on wearing his jacket over and over again. When he does so, he ties the jacket round his waist.

What did brother Quang leave behind?

What did brother Quang leave behind ? His report card stating that he is the first in his class since kindergarten.

How old is Khoi?

Brother Vu is her next oldest brother. He is eighteen years old and wants to be just like Bruce Lee. The youngest of the brothers is Brother Khoi who is sixteen years old and loves animals and nature. Ha is the youngest at twelve years old and always stands up for herself.

What possession did Brother Khoi leave behind?

Character Possessions left behind + specific details from the text about that possession
Brother Vu The author states that Brother Vu left behind
Character Possessions left behind + specific details from the text about that possession
Brother Khoi The author states that Brother Khoi left behind

What does ha’s doll symbolize?

The doll doesn’t just symbolize home and safety, then, it also represents the hardships and uncertainty that loom in traveling away from home—an experience that Hà herself has, too. Insofar as the doll is representative of her willingness to make personal sacrifice, it is also indicative of Hà’s maturation.

Who is Ha’s best friend?

TiTi. TiTi is Hà’s best friend in Saigon. Early in the novel TiTi and her wealthy family flee Saigon for Vung Tau..

Who is brother Khoi?

Brother Quang Quang is Hà’s oldest bro, and he’s wicked smart, feels that most things are beneath him, and has a lot of political ideas, all of which bores Hà. He is the only one in the family who can speak English, so he becomes their translator for a long time.

How does Brother Khoi help?

Describe brother Quang in your own words. He teaches Ha to defend herself using martial arts. He wants to be like Bruce Lee, and he seems to be the most excited about learning to live the American way of life. Describe brother Khoi in your own words.

What did Ha do with her perfect gift of papaya?

What did Ha do with her perfect gift of dried papaya? She threw it all in the trash that night.

What made brother Vu find Brother Khoi’s Chick?

What made Bother Vu find Brother Khoi’s chick? Khoi is her favorite brother. she told him not to bring the chick.

What does brother Vu agree to teach ha?

Brother Vu agrees to teach Hà self-defense with martial arts. Hà finds that her neighbors are prejudiced, too, and hate her family—everyone except for Mrs. Washington, that is, who becomes their tutor.

What is the Vu Lee Effect?

The Vu Lee Effect Brother Vu kicks butt, and basically everyone wants to be like him or be liked by him, so now Hà is cool by association; even the tough cousin is nice to her.

What do you think Brother Quang means?

Brother Quang is saying that both sides in war boast about how they believe in their own cause without a doubt: they are showing off how sure they are that they are right.

What is blind conviction?

Listen for students to understand that blind conviction means unquestioning belief in something. Listen for students to realize that Brother Quang is saying that both sides in war boast about how they believe in their own cause without a doubt: they are showing off how sure they are that they are right.

What does the I Ching Teller of Fate predict for the family?

The novel’s title references how, at the beginning of the novel, the I Ching Teller of Fate predicts that Hà’s family’s lives will turn inside out. The prediction is borne out: soon Saigon falls to the communist North, and Hà’s family abandons everything they know to start life again as war refugees in America..

Who are the communists ha is referring to answers?

Answer: The Việt Minh Front lead by Hồ Chí Minh would be what she meant.

What kind of person is ha?

starTop subjects are Literature, History, and Social Sciences. The primary character trait that Ha possesses is tenacity. She does not give up, even though she often feels weak. She is also basically optimistic; her hope sometimes dims, but she tries hard to look toward the future rather than regret the past.

What is Ha’s papaya tree a symbol of?

Papaya (Symbol) The tree symbolizes her connection to Vietnam, as Ha must leave the tree behind. Throughout the novel she longs for the rich, juicy taste of papaya, and is sorely disappointed to try Mrs..

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