
What does Elisa see at the end of the chrysanthemums?

What does Elisa see at the end of the chrysanthemums?

While they are driving down the road, she sees her gift of chrysanthemums lying in the road. She does not say anything to her husband, who drives on past the “dark speck.” The experience saddens her, because she knows the peddler did not appreciate what she valued.

What do the chrysanthemums symbolize for Elisa?

Steinbeck uses chrysanthemums as symbols of the inner-self of Elisa and of every woman. First, the chrysanthemums symbolize Elisa’s children. Elisa’s pride in her ability to grow such beautiful flowers reinforces the fact that the flowers are a replacement for her children.

What are the main settings in the chrysanthemums?

The story takes place in the Salinas Valley in December at Henry Allen’s ranch in the foothills. Immediately, we’re placed in a rural setting, where women are isolated and men are manly. One thing we might note here is the contrast between Elisa’s closed-off Salinas Valley and the world of the tinker.

What is the conflict in the chrysanthemums?

The most major conflict is between the tinker and Elisa: he wants her business, she wants to connect with him on an emotional and physical level. This is an immediate manifestation of Elisa’s more internal conflict between her desire for expression, independence and freedom and the oppressive society that forbids this.

What do the dogs symbolize in the chrysanthemums?

By including the dogs in the story, Steinbeck wants to convey Elisa’s feeling of guilt or desire to escape from her role as a housewife and experience adventure. Therefore, the dogs act as “quiet” reminders of Elisa’s deep-seated desire.

Who are the main characters in the chrysanthemums?

Character List

  • Elisa Allen. The protagonist. A robust thirty-five-year-old woman, Elisa lives with her husband, Henry, on a ranch in the Salinas Valley.
  • The Tinker. A tall, bearded man who makes his living repairing pots, pans, and other kitchen utensils. The tinker is a smart person and charming salesman.
  • Henry Allen. Elisa’s husband.

How does the physical environment of the story relate to Elisa’s perspective?

1. How does the physical environment of the story relate to Elisa’s perspective? Answer: The ranch environment plays a huge role in Elisa’s perspective as Henry takes care of the ranch and provides income, she mainly takes care of her Chrysanthemums and their home, she is quite lonely.

What point of view is used in the story the chrysanthemums?

Steinbeck displays an extraordinary ability to delve into the complexities of a woman’s consciousness. “The Chrysanthemums” is told in the third person, but the narration is presented almost entirely from Elisa’s point of view.

What is Elisa doing at the end of the story?

The Chrysanthemums Summary and Analysis of ‘The Chrysanthemums’: The End. Once the tinker’s wagon disappears, Elisa returns to her house, where she removes all of her clothes and bathes thoroughly. Finally, she slowly gets dressed, wearing her newest and nicest clothes, carefully styling her hair, and doing her make up …

How are Elisa and the chrysanthemums similar?

The chrysanthemums symbolize both Elisa and the limited scope of her life. Like Elisa, the chrysanthemums are lovely, strong, and thriving. She offers the chrysanthemums to him at the same time she offers herself, both of which he ignores and tosses aside.

How does the chrysanthemums begin?

The story begins with a panoramic view of the Salinas Valley in winter, which is very common in various of Steinbeck’s stories. When Elisa is planting her chrysanthemums, her husband shows up to talk to her after he made a deal selling some head of cattle to the Western Meat Company.

What characteristics do Elisa and the chrysanthemums share?

Answer: Elisa and the Chrysanthemums share these characteristics: beauty, strength, the inability to go out and explore. Explanation: Chrysanthemums are the central symbol of life, vital energies, sexuality in the story.

What characterization does Steinbeck use to describe Elisa?


What does this description from the beginning of the chrysanthemums foreshadow about Elisa feelings?

Answer Expert Verified The detail from the beginning of “The Chrysanthemums” that foreshadows Elisa’s feelings of being trapped is the settings feels isolated and closed in. When we say foreshadows, this means a signal or a warning about something that is going to happen next.

How does the stranger show that he is more aggressive than Henry?

Based on the given question above, the option that shows how the stranger show that he is more aggressive than Henry when interacting with Elisa at her garden is that, he leans over the fence and eventually enters Elisa’s garden, while Henry respects her space and remains outside.

What happens at the end of the chrysanthemums that makes her sad?

What happens at the ends of “the chrysanthemums” that makes elisa sad? She sees that the stranger has thrown her chrysanthemum sprouts onto the road.

Which excerpt from the chrysanthemums foreshadows Elisa’s feelings of being trapped?

On every side it sat like a lid on the mountains and made of the great valley a closed pot. By saying that her sorruondings were like a closed pot, a please where you can´t escape John Steineck tries to make the reader know that she feels trapped there.

What does the stranger do that makes Elisa sad?

At the end of “The Chrysanthemums,” what does the stranger do that makes Elisa sad? He tells her that her chrysanthemums are ugly.

What is the stranger’s motivation for pretending to be interested in Elisa’s chrysanthemums?

In the short story The Chrysanthemums, the stranger’s motivation for pretending to be interested in Elisa’s chrysanthemums is because he wants Elisa to give him work so he can earn some money. He is a poor tinker who may not be able to afford dinner unless he is given some sort of a job by Elisa.

Why does Elisa begin to trust the stranger and invite him into her garden?

Because he compliments her appearance. D. Because he offers to fix her dented pots and pans. Funsizeannie is waiting for your help.

How does the stranger interaction with Elisa at her garden?

When Elisa is working in the garden, her husband comes to talk to her. He respects her personal space and remains outside. On the other hand, when the stranger meets her, he leans over and enters the garden, with a behaviour that is more aggressive than that of her husband.

How can the reader tell that Elisa has decided to trust the stranger?

In the story “Chrysanthememus” by John Steinbeck, we can see that Elisa trusts the stranger because she invites him into her garden. She is charmed by him when he tells her he simply “follows good weather” and then is even more enchanted when he starts asking about her beloved Chrysanthemums.

Which statement best describes Elisa?

Answer: C. Elisa is confident and strong, yet somewhat restless in her current situation.

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