
What does Michael Pollan reveal are the problems with growing so much corn?

What does Michael Pollan reveal are the problems with growing so much corn?

In the section cleverly entitled “A Cornucopia of Choices,” Michael Pollan reveals that the food industry gives “the illusion of diversity” but that our choices all boil down to the same source–“so much is just the clever rearrangement of corn.” The problem with subsidizing farmers to grow so much corn is that it …

Why is corn king?

Thanks to its high yields, ability to grow well on tens of millions of acres across the U.S., and the multitude of uses for it, Corn has become the staple crop of hundreds of thousands of American farms. Corn is the engine driving America’s meat industry, providing high-energy feed for hogs, chickens, and cattle.

What role does corn play in a complicated American food industry?

Nothing dominates the American landscape like corn. Corn can be used for food as corn flour, cornmeal, hominy, grits or sweet corn. It can be used as animal feed to help fatten our hogs, chickens and cattle. And it can be turned into ethanol, high-fructose corn syrup or even bio-based plastics.

What does Pollan mean by the term National Eating Disorder 2 Do you agree that America has one?

Terms in this set (38) What does Pollan mean by the term “national eating disorder”? Do you agree that America has one? Codifies the rules of wise eating in an elaborate structure of taboos, rituals, recipes, manners, and culinary traditions that keep us from having to reenact the omnivore’s dilemma at every meal.

What is the difference between corn the food and corn the commodity?

What is the difference between “corn the food” and “corn the commodity ?” “Corn-the-food” is what people would eat as a source of carbohydrates, protein and fiber. Before the commodity system was established the quality of the corns produced would be a matter of immense pride for farmers.

What does Pollan mean when he says that the produce section and the meat counter are the most legible landscapes in modern grocery stores?

What does Pollan mean when he says that the produce section and the meat counter are the most “legible landscapes” in modern grocery stores? The foods in the produce and meat sections are easily identifiable and do not have dozens of confusing ingredients.

Why might the cannabinoid network be a particularly useful brain system for hunters?

Some researchers hypothesize that the cannabinoids, like the opiates, play a role in the brain’s pain relief and reward system; others that they help regulate appetite or emotion.

What is one key way that industrial agriculture has been shown to contribute to obesity?

Relevant to this module, obesity has been connected with industrialized agriculture. Our industrial agriculture system produces large quantities of grains, in particular, maize. These high-calorie crops lead to high-calorie foods, including sugary foods made with high fructose corn syrup.

How can our food environment be toxic?

The toxic environment is the result of ubiquity of unhealthy, processed foods, an increasingly sedentary lifestyle in which individuals spend more time watching TV and using computers than they spend exercising, the explosion of fast food restaurants, the enormous growth of portion sizes, the power of food advertising …

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