
What causes traffic?

What causes traffic?

The truth is that traffic congestion is caused by multiple causes and here they are not in the order of importance. 1- Too many cars for the roadway due to inadequate mass transit options or other reasons. 2- Obstacles in the road causing a blockage and merger. Road narrowing down.

What do you mean by heavy traffic?

Lots of vehicles, moving slowly

How do you say heavy traffic?

rush hour

  1. bottleneck.
  2. congestion.
  3. gridlock.
  4. heavy traffic.
  5. jam.
  6. road rage.
  7. traffic jam.

How do you explain traffic lights?

Traffic lights (or traffic signals) are lights used to control the movement of traffic….Light cycles

  1. Red light on: This tells drivers to stop.
  2. Green light on: This means the driver can start driving or keep driving.
  3. Yellow light on: This tells drivers to stop when it is safe to, because the light is about to turn red.

What does a red light mean on dashboard?

Red means stop. If it’s red, it means there’s a safety issue or something is seriously wrong with your car.

What does a green emergency light mean?

Green, yellow/amber, and purple lights are also recognized emergency vehicle light colors in many states. Green lights are considered in many places as courtesy lights, which means that the vehicle sporting that emergency vehicle light is requesting the right of way rather than demanding it.

What color are emergency flashers on a car?


Why do cops drive with lights and no siren?

The siren is only needed if there’s any traffic ahead of the vehicle, or at a road junction. They’re intended to warn other road users of their approach. One solid red light to the front is all that is minimally necessary to signal a vehicle to stop (in CA at least).

Can cops run a red light?

So, in answer to your first question, it is not legal for a police car to “slide through a red light for no apparent reason” and they or their fellow officers would be justified in issuing them a traffic ticket!

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