
When I grow up what do you want to be paragraph?

When I grow up what do you want to be paragraph?

I am studying biology and I will sit for the competitive tests for administration to a medical college. I want to be a serious student i.e. I will not waste my time anywhere. But I shall try to be a good and qualified doctor. I will be helping the patients with whatever I have.

What is the salary of DGP?

The basic salary of an IPS officer starts at Rs. 56,100(TA, DA and HRA are extra) per month and can go on to reach Rs. 2,25,000 for a DGP.

Which is the highest post in army?

Field Marshal

What is Indian Army salary?

Indian Army Salary, Pay Scale, and Allowances 2021

Indian Army Post Pay Scale Cash In-hand
Lieutenant (Level 10) 68,000
Captain (Level 10 B) 75,000
Major (Level 11) 1,00,000
Lieutenant Colonel (Level 12) 1,12,000

Do bodyguards carry guns?

Weapons and weapon tactics Some bodyguards such as those protecting high ranking government officials or those operating in high-risk environments such as war zones may carry assault rifles.

How many 4 star generals are there?

246 four

Who is above a general?

General (United States)

Pay grade O-10
Next higher rank General of the Army General of the Air Force
Next lower rank Lieutenant general
Equivalent ranks Admiral in the other uniformed services which use naval ranks

What is the salary of a one star general?

Salary and Job Outlook A brigadier general salary starts at $8,640.60 a month. The top salary for a general is $/b> a month, for an O-10 with more than 40 years of military service. That’s a salary range of $/b> to annually, depending on rank and years of service.

How much do 2 star generals make?

Starting pay for a Major General is $per month, with raises for experience resulting in a maximum base pay of $/b> per month. You can use the simple calculator below to see basic and drill pay for a Major General, or visit our Army pay calculator for a more detailed salary estimate.

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