
What stops Elie from giving up and dying?

What stops Elie from giving up and dying?

The Blockaltest (head of the block) suggests that Elie stops giving his dying father his portions of food. He says that it’s “every man for himself” here and Elie cannot help his father anymore.

Why did IDEK whip Elie 25 times?

Because he is having an affiar with the polish girl. How did Idek Punish Elie for spying on him? he layed him down on a table, and whipped him 25 times in front of everyone , Elie passed out idek , told him that the worse would come , if he told anyone what he saw.

Who beat Elie’s father?


Why did Elie laugh?

Why does Elie laugh at Idek and what is the result? Elie laughs at Idek because he saw Idek send the whole kommando away just to take advantage of a young polish girl. The result was that Idek marched up to Elie, grabbed his throat, and threaten him.

Why did Elie give up his gold crown?

Hover for more information. Elie’s gold crown is dramatically removed by a dentist from Warsaw who uses a rusty spoon to pull it out in a lavatory. This is done to satisfy Franek, a foreman who works at the electrical warehouse and who harasses Elie’s father as a means of bullying Elie into giving up the tooth.

What was Elie’s punishment for seeing IDEK with a girl?

What is Eliezer’s punishment for stumbling upon Idek and the Polish girl? He would be given 25 slashing with a whip.

What is Eliezer’s unspoken answer to a prisoner’s question where is God now?

During the hanging the prisoners question God, “where is God now?” and the answer that is given is that “he is hanging there on the gallows”.

Why will Elie’s father not let Elie fast for Yom Kippur?

Elie doesn’t fast on Yom Kippur because he not only wants to please his father who forbade him from doing so but chooses not to as a rebellion against God as well. Those who were once confident in their beliefs and God’s power are beginning to lose faith.

What horrible realization did Elie come to concerning Rabbi eliahou and his son?

Elie realized that the Rabbi’s son ran ahead of his father on purpose…. that he wanted to increase his own chances for survival. Then I remembered something else: his son had seen him losing ground, limping staggering back to the rear of the column. He had seen him.

Why though should he not want to stay too long in the infirmary?

Why, though, should he not want to stay too long in the infirmary? He ran out because he was ordered and he had to meet with his Father. Those remaining in the Hospital were actually liberated. He came to have a loss of faith.

What did Akiba Drumer ask the others to do for him did they do it?

What did Akiba Drumer ask the others to do for him? Did they do it? Akiba Drumer asked the others to say the Kaddish for him after he had gone. The others promised that they would, but when the time came, they forgot.

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