
Why is Brutus the hero in Julius Caesar?

Why is Brutus the hero in Julius Caesar?

Character Analysis and Traits Brutus is known as a tragic hero in the play Julius Caesar because he faces a major conflict between his loyalty to his friend and his loyalty to his country. Although Brutus’ relationship with Caesar is strong, his relationship with the people of Rome is stronger.

Who is the real hero of the play Julius Caesar?


Who is the tragic hero in Romeo and Juliet?

In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet can be considered as a Tragic Hero. Juliet was willing to sacrifice her life in order to be with Romeo. Her tragic flaw is her loyalty to Romeo. She loves Romeo so much and she is very loyal to him, to the point that she could not stand to be without him.

Is Batman a hero or a villain?

The Joker is a man who commits unspeakable evil in order to do ultimate good – he wants Gotham to have a hero. And Batman is a man who commits heroic deeds to cause unspeakable evil. They are inverse and opposite one another. So there it is, Batman is a villain who thinks he’s a hero.

Who said you either die a hero?

Harvey Dent

What is Batman’s famous quote?

“If this man is everything that you say he is, then this city needs me.” – Bruce Wayne, The Dark Knight Rises. After Alfred alerts Bruce that Bane is wreaking havoc on Gotham, Bruce makes the decision to go back out into the city as Gotham’s hero, Batman.

What does hero we deserve mean?

This quote is explained by another quote in the movie about Harvey Dent “he is a hero, not the hero we deserved but the hero we needed”. When Gordon says that Batman is the hero they deserve he means that the dark and flawed city of Gotham needs a flawed and dark knight watching over them.

Why is two face evil?

He can be considered objectively evil for the simple fact that he has no real concern for the consequences of his actions outside of his personal (and fluid) goals. He is a criminal; a powerful mob boss. Everything he does hurts people. Sometimes it does something that might help people, as well (about half the time).

How does two face die?

During his confrontation with Batman, Batman rescued Gordon’s child while Dent was pushed and fell to his death. Batman took the blame for Dent’s murder to preserve Dent’s reputation, which soon led to the creation of the Dent Act. He was portrayed by Aaron Eckhart in The Dark Knight.

Does two face have split personality?

Dent is diagnosed with bipolar disorder and paranoid schizophrenia at a young age, but manages to hide his illnesses and, thanks to an unyielding work ethic, rises up through the ranks of Gotham City’s district attorney’s office until, at age 26, he becomes the youngest DA in the city’s history.

Is two face a good guy?

Two-Face is not consistently evil; every time he contemplates a crime, he flips his two-headed coin. Only if the coin came up scratched-side did Two-Face go ahead and commit the crime, never questioning the result of the toss. He will even go out of his way to do good deeds if the coin mandates.

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