
How was democracy in ancient Athens different from democracy in the United States?

How was democracy in ancient Athens different from democracy in the United States?

The Macedonians ended Athenian democracy in 322 B.C. Democracy is a form of government as well as a political philosophy. In the United States, the form of democracy that is practiced is representative democracy. The sovereignty of this form of democracy is the citizens who participate in the government.

Who bailed out Greece?

How was Greece bailed out? The last €61.9bn was provided by the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) in support of the Greek government’s efforts to reform the economy and recapitalise banks.

What if Rome never conquered Greece?

If Rome hadn’t conquered the war torn and divided Hellenistic Greece, this would connote a serious military and diplomatic weakness. Therefore it’s doubtful If the Roman Empire would ever be created. Bear in mind that there were already Greek colonies in the south of Italy at the time Rome began its expansion.

What did Rome borrow from Greece?

From the Greeks, the Romans borrowed or copied ideas on art, literature, religion and architecture. Greek architecture influenced Roman architecture in many ways, such as in the design of domes, rounded arches and columns. The Romans also copied the Greek style in home decorations and sculptures.

Why was Rome influenced by Greece?

The Romans borrowed and adapted ideas from the Greeks as well as the Etruscans. Greek architecture was one important influence on the Romans. As you remember, the Greeks built marble temples as homes for their gods. The Romans also used concrete to build huge stadiums like the Colosseum, where gladiators fought.

What did ancient Greek and Roman civilizations have in common?

They both had plenty of mountains, they were both surrounded by sea(s) on three sides, and they both had a Mediterranean climate. But Rome had fertile soil on their Italian Peninsula, while the Greeks had poor soil on their Pelopennesus Peninsula.

What is the difference between the Roman Empire and the Greek empire?

Government: The Romans created an empire that lasted 500 years. The Greek civilization was a collection of city-states, and were not united under one central government until they were conquered by Alexander the Great. During the Empire, Roman women had quite a few rights, but were still not citizens.

Why was Rome better than Athens?

Both Athens and Rome had a good system of citizenship, but Rome had a better system. Rome had a better citizenship than Athens because they had less requirements, they were more organized, and they gave their citizens more fair rights. At an Athenian Assembly, all of Athens 40,000 citizens were there.

Was Greece a republic or democracy?

Greece is a parliamentary representative democratic republic, where the President of Greece is the head of state and the Prime Minister of Greece is the head of government within a multi-party system. Legislative power is vested in both the government and the Hellenic Parliament.

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