What did Boo Radley say?
Scout then leads Boo Radley to the front porch, where he speaks his first and only words of the novel. While they are standing on Scout’s front porch, Boo asks Scout, “Will you take me home?” (Lee, 282). Scout mentions that Boo spoke so softly that it sounded like he was whispering.
Why is Boo Radley A Mockingbird quotes?
Hover for more information. This quote describes Boo Radley as a mockingbird because Heck Tate alludes to his innocence. Throughout the novel, mockingbirds symbolize innocent characters. Atticus explains to Scout and Jem that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird, meaning that it is wrong to harm an innocent person.
What was Atticus’s nickname when he was a child?
To their delight, Jem and Scout discover that Atticus was nicknamed One-Shot Finch as a boy.
Why is Atticus the nickname Finch?
Atticus is referred to as One-Shot Finch by Miss Maudie because when he was younger he had the best shot in the county. He doesn’t like violence, so he stopped shooting when he had kids.
What did Jem buy with his birthday money?
What did Jem spend his birthday money on? Jem bought a steam engine for himself and a twirling baton for Scout with his birthday money. She said Scout would grow up to be a waitress.
What do Atticus Boo Radley and Mrs Dubose have in common?
Other than living on the same street, what do Boo Radley, Atticus, and Mrs. Dubose all have in common? While Atticus’s gifts are more obvious, Boo and Miss. Dubose have gifts and traits that most people do not or rather choose not to comprehend.
What request does Mrs Dubose make of Jem is this a fair punishment?
Dubose demands Jem to read to her six days a week for a month: For punishment, Mrs. Dubose requires Jem and Scout to visit her six days a week for a month and read to her for two hours.
What does Mrs Dubose do before she dies?
Dubose is a morphine addict who had vowed to go clean before she died, and enlisted Jem and Scout (without their knowledge) to keep her off the stuff for longer and longer periods of time. Atticus tells the kids the lesson he hopes they’ve learned from her.