
What does Boo Radley say?

What does Boo Radley say?

Scout then leads Boo Radley to the front porch, where he speaks his first and only words of the novel. While they are standing on Scout’s front porch, Boo asks Scout, “Will you take me home?” (Lee, 282). Scout mentions that Boo spoke so softly that it sounded like he was whispering.

What word best describes Boo Radley?

How about shy, enigmatic, misunderstood, thoughtful, and brave? Boo is shy because he hides in his home to escape what is sure to be curious (at best) and evil (at worst) torments about his condition. Ironically, curious children (such as Scout, Jem, and Dill) are the ones who coax Boo out into the real world.

What is Boo Radley physical description?

He has a white face and white hands, hollow cheeks, gray eyes that are almost “colorless,” and hair that is “dead and thin, almost feathery.” Scout describes the way Boo moves—uncertainly—and says that Boo has a cough and takes a handkerchief to his mouth.

Why would Boo Radley want to stay inside?

As Jem and Scout mature, it becomes evident that they also become better able to understand Boo Radley. He believes that “Boo Radley’s stayed shut up in the house all this time… because he wants to stay inside” (227). Boo Radley chooses to stay in his house because he is scared to come out of it.

How did Boo Radley react to the events of the trial?

He is disgusted with their decision to wrongfully convict an innocent man and does not want anything to do with them. Jem does not blame Boo Radley for not coming out of his home because he understands the dangers of prejudice and hate that exist throughout Maycomb.

Who is Boo Radley Chapter 1?

In Chapter 1 of Harper Lee’s novel, Scout describes Boo Radley initially as a “malevolent phantom” because he is credited with acts of vandalism committed in the night. Superstitions about him exist; he has a mysterious history that leads to his reclusive life. Here are some details: Jem and Scout have never seen him.

How is Boo Radley an outsider?

The third outsider is Arthur, better known as Boo Radley. He has a mental disability and is not accepted by the rest of Maycomb County. Due to this, Boo Radley is confined to his house and is rarely seen by the people of Maycomb. …

What are some of the children’s superstitions concerning boo?

What superstitions do the children have in connection with the Radley house? They know about Boo Radley, so they imagine that he eats cats and squirrels and has blood stained hands from killing and eating them. At night the children hear scratching and believe that it may be Boo Radley out seeking his revenge.

What happened to Boo Radley as a child?

Boo Radley is a neighbour of the Finch family. When he was young he began to associate with a gang of boys and gradually they became a nuisance in Maycomb, drinking whiskey and going to dances at a gambling den. One night the boys crashed a “flivver ” and appeared in court.

What happened to Boo Radley in To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 1?

According to town gossip, Boo drove a pair of scissors into his father’s leg one day. He was locked up in the Town Hall basement until the Radleys brought him home and he was never seen again. Why does the Radley place fascinate Scout, Jem and Dill?

How does Dill describe Boo Radley in Chapter 1?

Scout and Dill believe Jem’s description of Boo, and Scout describes him as being a “malevolent phantom.” While Jem and Dill are fascinated by their enigmatic, reclusive neighbor, Scout fears Boo and does not wish to make him come out of the house.

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