
What is ironic about this excerpt the ballerina?

What is ironic about this excerpt the ballerina?

What is ironic about this excerpt? The ballerina is described as beautiful, but she is actually hideous. The ballerina is able to read the news bulletin flawlessly while wearing a mask and handicap bags. The handicaps devised to conceal the ballerina’s strength and beauty actually accentuate them.

What is ironic about the handicaps in Harrison Bergeron?

The central irony of the story is the handicap system used by the government to ensure that all members of the society are equal. And also ironic, is the fact that Bergeron’s parents who are watching their son’s murder on television are so heavily handicapped that they have no idea what has happened.

What are the handicaps that Harrison is forced to wear?

Harrison Bergeron, the protagonist of the story, has exceptional intelligence, height, strength and beauty, and as a result he has to bear enormous handicaps. These include distracting noises, three hundred pounds of excess weight, eyeglasses to give him headaches and cosmetic changes to make him ugly.

Why was Harrison able to break the basic laws of gravity after freeing himself from handicaps?

Harrison was able to defy the laws of gravity and freed himself when he removed the heavy clothes and rocks that anchored him down. He was able to float to the surface of the water with more ease when this was no longer in the way.

Why is the government looking for Harrison?

The government is looking for Harrison because he has escaped from jail, where he was held on suspicion of plotting to overthrow the government. This caused him to try to overthrow the government which was resolved by the Handicapper General shooting him.

Why don t George and Hazel think more often about their son?

Why don’t George and Hazel think more often about their son? They aren’t capable of thinking about anything for very long. Harrison escapes from prison.

Why dont George and Hazel try to remember what they saw?

Why don’t George and Hazel try to remember what they saw? They do not tolerate criticism of the government. They know it had something to do with Harrison. They lack the ability to remember.

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