
How is intolerance shown in the crucible?

How is intolerance shown in the crucible?

Act three displays a lot of controversy and disagreement between the characters. Danforth wanted to see everything as black or white and heavily demonstrates intolerance for anyone who does not agree with him or is not exactly one way or another. He also does this when asking a woman if she is a witch.

What causes hysteria in the crucible?

In The Crucible, neighbors suddenly turn on each other and accuse people they’ve known for years of practicing witchcraft and devil-worship. The Crucible shows how religious fervor fuels hysteria and leads to conditions that sacrifice justice and reason.

Who is responsible for the hysteria in the crucible?

Abigail Williams

Who is most to blame for the Salem witch trials in The Crucible?

Could any of the characters in the crucible have done more to end the hysteria in Salem essay?

John Proctor and Reverend Hale are two characters in The Crucible who could have done more to end the hysteria in Salem. Both characters failed to take the initiative or reveal the truth.

What are several things Abigail blames Tituba for?

Hale questions Abigail, and she blames Tituba for everything. Abigail says that Tituba makes her drink blood, plagues her dreams, and tempts her to sin.

Why did Puritans believe in witchcraft?

They believed that Satan would select the “weakest” individuals (women, children, and the elderly) to carry out his evil work. 12. Those who were believed to follow Satan were automatically assumed to be witches, which was a crime punishable by death.

How was witchcraft viewed in the 17th century New England?

Q: How was the practice of witchcraft viewed in 17th century New England? A: Under British law, the basis for Massachusetts Bay Colony legal structure in the 17th century, those who were accused of consorting with the devil were considered felons, having committed a crime against their government.

What was the difference between the afflicted and the accused?

What was the difference between the “afflicted” and the “accused”? The afflicted were those believed to be harmed by the effects of witchcraft. The accused were those suspected of practicing witchcraft. These people were named by the afflicted, leading to arrests and trials for the crime of witchcraft.

What are some ways the New England colonists would test to see if someone was a witch?

7 Bizarre Witch Trial Tests

  • Swimming Test. As part of the infamous “swimming test,” accused witches were dragged to the nearest body of water, stripped to their undergarments, bound and then tossed in to to see if they would sink or float.
  • Prayer Test.
  • Touch Test.
  • Witch Cakes.
  • Witch’s Marks.
  • Pricking and Scratching Tests.
  • Incantations.

How many were accused in the Salem witch trials?


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