
What does SafeAssign detect?

What does SafeAssign detect?

SafeAssign is a plagiarism prevention service provided by Blackboard and helps identify plagiarism by detecting unoriginal content in student papers. It does so by comparing student submissions to a range of internet resources, articles and other students’ submissions.

Is Gradescope proctored?

Students can use the phone they are being Zoom proctored with to take images of their papers and upload to Gradescope. That uploading can happen while Zoom is running.

Can Gradescope see past submissions?

Hi there, @chen460 Welcome to the Canvas Community. Thanks for posting your question. The answer is, yes, your instructor will be able to view your past submissions. From the student side, you are only able to see the most recent submission for any given assignment.

How do you delete a submitted file on show my homework?

Once a file has been successfully submitted to an assignments, you can’t delete it. However, if you have the ability to make another submission, re-submit the file and make sure to also contact your instructor and let them know that you are re-submitting a file to the assignment.

Can a teacher Unsubmit an assignment in canvas?

They can just resubmit the assignment and you will see both submissions and the timestamp in SpeedGrader. It’s not possible for a student to remove a file they’ve submitted to an assignment. However, as long as the deadline for the assignment has not passed, you should be able to submit a second file.

Will the teachers know if you Unsubmit on Google classroom?

Can teachers see if you Unsubmit work on Google classroom? Either way, from the teacher view, the teacher will also be able to see if and when you submit, unsubmit, or resubmit an assignment of any kind.

Can you Unsubmit an assignment on D2L?

Log into D2L and go to the desired course. Click on Assignments from the Assessments drop-down menu. Identify the assignment in which you would like to delete a student’s submissions. Once the submission is deleted, the student will be able to re-submit the assignment as long as the End Date has not yet expired.

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