
What kind of person is Mercutio in Act 1?

What kind of person is Mercutio in Act 1?

Mercutio was a loyal best friend to the death. He was witty, funny, hotheaded, and perhaps even a bit crude. Romeo was a romantic, while Mercutio did not believe in the idea of true love. It was his loyalty that killed him in the end.

How is Mercutio presented as a good friend?

Mercutio likes to have a good laugh, is optimistic, loyal and a good friend. Later on in the play, when Tybalt arrives to fight Romeo, Mercutio stands in for Romeo as he is loyal towards his best friend. Mercutio cannot believe that Romeo would sacrifice his honour in this way, so he fights Tybalt instead.

Why does Tybalt return after killing Mercutio?

He returns after killing Mercutio because Romeo challenged him. Why does Tybalt return after killing Mercutio? Instead of him being banished, she wants Romeo to be killed for what he’s done. Although Juliet is upset over her cousin’s death, she still defends Romeo’s actions.

Where is Romeo exiled?

Romeo and Juliet

Question Answer
1. To which city does Romeo go after being exiled from Verona? Mantua
2. Why is Romeo banished? Romeo kills Tybalt
3. In Act I, what are the four (4) ways Romeo describes love? Too rough, too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like a thorn.

What is the impact of the repetition of the words banished and banishment on Romeo’s character development and tone?

The repetition of banished and banishment shows Romeo’s obsession with staying close to Juliet, and further develops a tone of desperation and sadness.

Why does Romeo believe that she makes huge waste?

 Romeo believes that Rosaline is being wasteful because she does not return his feelings. Romeo suggests that Rosaline’s chastity cuts her beauty “off from all posterity” (line 218), or from the possibility of having children to whom she will pass on her beauty.

What mood does Shakespeare create through the prince’s final words in lines 305 310?

Shakespeare establishes a sad, thoughtful mood through the Prince’s final words. The word glooming contrasts with the word peace, which it describes in line 305, highlighting the grief felt by all the characters at the end of the play.

What is the kind of hope line 68 Friar Laurence has for Juliet?

What is the “kind of hope” (line 68) Friar Laurence has for Juliet? Friar Laurence does not explain his “hope” in detail, but he suggests that his plan requires Juliet to “undertake a thing like death” (lines 73-74) to avoid marrying Paris.

How does Juliet further develop this idea in lines 38 49?

How does Juliet further develop this idea in lines 38–49? o Juliet says that Romeo’s name “is no part of [him]” (line 47) so he should give up the name Montague in exchange for her love, suggesting that she believes that Romeo’s relationship with her is more important than his identification with his family.

How does Shakespeare develop a central idea about group identity vs individual identity in this scene?

o The quote develops the central idea of the conflict between individual and group identification by depicting two individuals’ love for each other and the difficulties they experience because they are members of feuding families.

What is the effect of Shakespeare’s use of dramatic irony in ACT 3.1 and ACT 3.2 lines 1 31?

What is the effect of Shakespeare’s use of dramatic irony in Act 3.1 and Act 3.2, lines 1–31?  Shakespeare’s use of dramatic irony creates tension between what Juliet believes and what the audience knows.

What is Romeo doing as he speaks these lines?

What is Romeo doing as he speaks these lines? Romeo is looking at Juliet through a window in her house. He wonders, “[W]hat light through yonder window breaks?” (line 2), showing that he is looking at someone through a window.

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