
What is disclosure in a relationship?

What is disclosure in a relationship?

Through self-disclosure, people reveal their inner thoughts and feelings, but communicate more than the actual content: disclosure in relationships also communicates information about the relationship, including trust, social support (by showing acceptance, love) or social disapproval (by expressing suspicion, anger.

What are examples of self disclosure?

We self-disclose verbally, for example, when we tell others about our thoughts, feelings, preferences, ambitions, hopes, and fears. And we disclose nonverbally through our body language, clothes, tattoos, jewelry, and any other clues we might give about our personalities and lives.

What is a characteristic of self disclosure in a relationship?

characteristics of self disclosure. Communicates trust,affection, and attraction.

What are the factors that influence self-disclosure?

Terms in this set (7)

  • 6 factors that influence self-disclosure. 1.)
  • Disclosure of others. Dyadic effect – if others disclose more, you will disclose more.
  • Fear. Fear of being judged or misunderstood.
  • Audience size.
  • Topic.
  • Who are you talking about.
  • Relationships.

What are the two models of self-disclosure?

The theories and model are: Communication Privacy Management theory (CPM), Social Penetration Theory (SPT), Social Exchange Theory (SET) and the Johari Window pane. This is the act of revealing personal information about ourselves that others are unlikely to discover in other ways.

What are the guidelines for self-disclosure?

Here are four rules to use when self-disclosing: Determine what is the purpose of telling someone about self- what is your end goal? What is it that you will be disclosing, and does it tell the person too much about your life? – Keep your boundaries with clients, let them know only what is needed.

What are the 6 guidelines for self disclosure?

The six guidelines to self disclosure are, motivation, timing and location, relationship, reciprocal disclosure, confidential, and choice !

Which model is used as a self-disclosure strategy?

Self-disclosure develops human relationships. The study examined three theories and a model that focus on self-disclosure and development of human relationship. The theories are: Communication Privacy Management (CPM), Social Penetration Theory (SPT), Social Exchange Theory (SET) and the Johari Window Pane model.

What are the three properties of self-disclosure?

Terms in this set (3)

  • Reciprocity. 2 people talking sharing personal information hoping that the other person will do the same, reciprocating.
  • Appropriateness. knowing what is right and wrong to talk about with another person and when the time is right to disclosure certain information.
  • Risk. taking a risk disclosing info.

What are the benefits and risks of self-disclosure?

Benefits & Risks of Self-Disclosure

  • catharsis- “get it off your chest”, reveal regrets, mental and emotional relief.
  • reciprocity-one act of self-disclosure leads to another, no guarantee though, honesty creates a safe climate.
  • self clarification-clarify beliefs, opinions, thoughts, attitudes, feelings by talking about them. “

Which of the following is an alternative to self-disclosure?

The four alternatives that are the most common to self-disclosure are silence, lying, equivocation, and hinting. Silence is a way to self-disclosure; in one way with this silence, you can keep your thinking and perception to yourself.

Which factor plays an important role in self-disclosure stage of formulating a relationship?

It seems that one of the most important factors for the development of relationships is feeling secure enough around the partner to gradually reveal personal information. In turn, the other person starts revealing more intimate information about themselves as well, sharing what really matters to them.

Is self-disclosure irreversible?

Self-disclosure is a form of communication in which you share information about yourself. It is important to remember that self-disclosure is irreversible and that once you have disclosed something about yourself you cannot take it back (De Vito, …show more content…

How can self-disclosure impact both positively and negatively your life at work or school?

How can self-disclosure impact (both positively and negatively) your life at work or school? Self-disclosure could negatively put you in positions where people are gossiping about you. Self-disclosure could positively put in a position where people are friendly to you and want to learn more about you.

What is self-disclosure in counseling?

At its most basic therapist self-disclosure may be defined as the revelation of personal rather than professional information about the therapist to the client. Deliberate self-disclosure refers to therapists’ intentional, verbal or non-verbal disclosure of personal information.

What self is our basic public personality?

Open self personality is a personality in which a person is well aware of his own strengths, weaknesses, his abilities and other people around him- can be his team members or ones he interacts with- are well aware of those. An open personality is not mysterious or hidden or even deluded.

What is the unknown self?

‘Unknown Self’ or ‘Area of Unknown Activity’ or ‘Unknown Area’ Region 4 contains information, feelings, latent abilities, aptitudes, experiences etc, that are unknown to the person him/herself and unknown to others in the group.

What are the 4 selves?

It is used to help people better understand their interpersonal communication and relationships. It is a matrix created in the 1950’s with four quadrants that visualize the self based known or unknown to self and others. The four selves include the “open”, “blind”, “hidden”, and “unknown”.

What does blind self mean?

? Blind Self It is that part of our personality that is invisible to us but visible to the others. It contains information such as non-verbal communication, our peculiarities and all those characteristics which others see in us, or possibly translate different than us.

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