
What is the acceptance rate for Cal Lutheran?

What is the acceptance rate for Cal Lutheran?

71.4% (2020)

How do I apply to Cal Lutheran?

Start Your Application

  1. Create Your Account. Begin by creating an account on The Common Application website if you haven’t already done so.
  2. Complete Your Application & Essay.
  3. Request Recommendation.
  4. Submit Application Fee.
  5. Optional Test Scores.
  6. Transcripts.
  7. Final Review & Submit.
  8. Next Steps.

What GPA do you need to get into Cal Lutheran?


Is Cal Lutheran a party school?

While it’s not a huge party school environment (the campus dorms are all dry), students do have an active social environment. There are no fraternities or sororities at Cal Lutheran, but there are a wide variety of student groups, including cultural and academic organizations.

What is Cal Lutheran known for?

California Lutheran University is perfect for any student. They offer a diverse and immersive education. The people are friendly and the faculty are very helpful. Being that Cal Lu is a liberal arts school, students are required to take classes that they may otherwise pass up.

How far is Cal Lutheran from the beach?

Our campus is 25 minutes from the warm, sandy beaches of Malibu and 90 minutes from the exhilarating peaks of one of California’s best skiing hubs.

Is Cal Lutheran a CSU or UC?

California Lutheran University (CLU, Cal Lutheran, or Cal Lu) is a private liberal arts university in Thousand Oaks, California. It was founded in 1959 and is affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, but is nonsectarian….California Lutheran University.

Type Private
Nickname Kingsmen (men) Regals (women)
Website www.callutheran.edu

Is Cal Lutheran religious?

Even though Cal Lutheran is predominantly Christian, the school is open to all walks of faith and works to accommodate different beliefs. “We don’t hold up an exclusivity stick and say ‘the only way to get this done is a Lutheran way,’” Maxwell-Doherty said.

How much is Cal Lutheran tuition?

44,382 USD (2019 – 20)

Do freshmen have to live on campus at Cal State Fullerton?

Cal State Fullerton offers on-campus housing, but freshmen are not required to take advantage of it.

How much does it cost to dorm at Cal State LA?

2018-2019 Cost of Attendance

Budget Components Commuter On-Campus
Room and Board $5,418 $14,508
Miscellaneous/Personal $1,480 $1,480
Transportation $1,566 $1,454
TOTAL $17,156 $26,134

How much is Cal State per year?

Undergraduate, Credential, Graduate and Doctoral Programs

Programs Semester Academic Year
6.1+ units $2,871 $5,742
0-6 units $1,665 $3,330

Does Cal State Long Beach have dorms?

What are the dorms like at California State University-Long Beach? However, California State University-Long Beach dorms are similar to most college housing options. Most on-campus residence halls include singles, double, and suites. Floor plans vary from residence hall to residence hall.

Is Cal State Long Beach a 4 year school?

Money Magazine’s 2020 College rankings saw Cal State Long Beach ranked in the Top 1% for “Best Public College”, “Four-Year Institutions Ranked By Value” and “Most Transformative Colleges”. In 2020, The Wall Street Journal/ Times Higher Education ranked CSULB 4th in the nation for Campus Diversity.

Is Long Beach State hard to get into?

The acceptance rate at Cal State Long Beach is 31.2%. For every 100 applicants, 31 are admitted. This means the school is very selective. If you meet Cal State Long Beach’s requirements for GPA, SAT/ACT scores, and other components of the application, you have a great shot at getting in.

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