
How is the outsiders relevant today?

How is the outsiders relevant today?

Many of the characters’ problems in the novel–social acceptance, family issues, parental neglect, school life, teen angst–are still relevant today.

How is the outsiders relatable?

It is very relatable to the outside world, especially teens, because it is all about the struggles that the characters are facing, such as loss, and how they overcome them. It deals with death, struggles, family, violence, and courage; those are things that all people can relate to in some way.

Why is the outsiders an important book?

The film. The feeling of being an outsider is universal, and it’s part of the appeal of the book. The Outsiders is one of the best-selling young adult novels of all time and is part of the reading curriculum in schools around the world. Hinton says her readers around the world respond to the book in the same way.

Should I read the outsiders?

A very good read for any reader S.E. Hinton’s, The Outsiders is a great book for elder kids and young teens to read. I recommend the book for 11 years and up. The story focuses around Ponyboy, his brothers, and their gang. The story takes place during the 1960’s in Oklahoma.

Why do we read the outsiders in school?

With the rise of gangs during the 1990s forward, present day students can once again see a correlation between greasers, Socs and the far more violent gangs of today. I would say that the reason why the book is read today because Hinton struck a chord of adolescence that resonates with all youth.

What grade level is the outsiders?

The Outsiders (M Books)

Interest Level Reading Level Word Count
Grades 7 – 12 Grades 3 – 12 48523

Why is the outsiders timeless?

“The Outsiders remains a timeless tale of how senseless high school cliques can be, and how no matter what side of the tracks one comes from, some things never change. Love, heroics and tragedy know no race, no income and no class distinctions.

What grade should read the outsiders?

Although the quantitative measures suggest placement in the 2-3rd grade level text complexity band, the qualitative measures and reader and task considerations suggest that the novel is best placed at the 6th-8th grade complexity band.

Is there cursing in the outsiders?

Language: A few instances of “hell” and “damnit”; though some of the boys swear a lot, the words are never spelled out and are frequently written as “—–” or “he cussed” or “he said words that made my ears turn red”. Violence: Ponyboy is jumped when walking home from the movies by himself. A knife is held to his throat.

Is the outsider violent?

It features a lot of disturbing and bloody content, including that of a child’s mutilated corpse. Murder is a theme (and occasionally shown), and there are frequent violent outbursts using weapons like guns and bats.

Who scares Johnny at the movie theater?

Johnny tries to tell the girls that Dallas is an okay person once you know him, but Cherry insists that she’s glad she doesn’t know him, as Two-Bit comes up behind Johnny and puts his arms around him, scaring him. Two-Bit hands Johnny a beer and asks to be introduced to Cherry and Marcia.

Why is Johnny so concerned about his parents?

Johnny wanted to know that his parents cared about him. Johnny always was a soft guy. He cared about what his parents thought about him no matter what. Darry started crying because he thought he had lost Ponyboy.

What happens to ponyboy after Dally dies?

Dally wants to die, and he gets his wish. He is gunned down as his gang watches, knowing that Dally always gets what he wants and this time Dally wants to be dead. As these events are happening, Pony’s condition is worsening. Ponyboy collapses at the lot, as his brothers and gang rush to help him.

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