
What would life be without computers?

What would life be without computers?

We’d not be able to mail each other or chat with anyone. It would be so difficult to spend a life without computers. We would not be aware of technology or what things are being discovered. We could get information by newspaper, television, radio or some other medium but on computers we can get it in detail.

Can we live without computers essay?

Nowadays, we cannot imagine our life without computers and the fact is that they have become so important that nothing can replace them. Since 1948 when the first real computer has been invented our life has changed so much that we can call it real digital revolution. …

Is modern education impossible without computers which subjects can be better taught by using computers Are there parts of education that can’t be taught utilizing computers?

The changes in education and uses of computers have become a common phenomenon nowadays and a school without a computer lab is considered a primitive one. Math, Physics, Chemistry, engineering, medical, business & commerce subjects can all be better taught using computers.

Are computers necessary for modern education?

Computers are essential feature of modern education. Some believe that certain subjects such as mathematics are better taught using computers. Others however think that there are aspects of education in which computer use is inadequate.

Can computers replace teachers?

Technology is merely an augmentation to a teacher. It can help the process of learning, but it certainly cannot replace the role of the teacher. But, as of now, it does not have the power to replace teachers because human interaction cannot be replaced by computers and human skills cannot be taught by technology.

Should computers replace teachers pros and cons?

If computers replace teachers in schools, there will be less fun, and more boredom to be had in the classroom. However, if you are looking to replace your teachers with computers, you will find that you do have many options and that you can easily find teachers who are extremely interested in the process.

How have computers changed our lives?

Computers have changed the world in many ways. They allow huge amounts of information to be stored in a small space. They also allow a person to calculate mathematical problems with ease. Finally, computers allow people to communicate with one another through internet sites such as Facebook, My Space, and Twitter.

What is the main use of computer?

A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or data. It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data. You may already know that you can use a computer to type documents, send email, play games, and browse the Web.

What is the full from of education?

For human knowledge is food, it is challenging to grow food for a man in the absence of knowledge. When we think about education, the very first thing that strikes in our imaginations is knowledge gain. Education gives security and safety against crime. …

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