
Who is the speaker speaking to in Sonnet 18?

Who is the speaker speaking to in Sonnet 18?

While summer must always come to an end, the speaker’s love for the man is eternal—and the youth’s “eternal summer shall not fade.” The young man to whom the poem is addressed is the muse for Shakespeare’s first 126 sonnets.

What is the personification in Sonnet 18?

Answer and Explanation: Personification is when something non-human is given human traits. In Sonnet 18, personification occurs in line 3 when “Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May” because winds are shaking flowers as if a human is shaking them.

Who is the person in Sonnet No 18 addressed to?

To whom is sonnet no 18 is addressed? Ans- Sonnet no 18 of Shakespeare is addressed to Mr. W.H. who was the patron of the poet.

Where is the metaphor in Sonnet 18?

Comparing the lover’s beauty to an eternal summer, “But thy eternal summer shall not fade” (line nine) is a metaphor inside the sonnet-long extended metaphor. Along with the extended metaphor running throughout the whole sonnet, Shakespeare also uses imagery.

What is the subtitle of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18?

Sonnet 18, “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day,” represents the typical English sonnet, which is also labeled Shakespearean or Elizabethan sonnet. This form plays out in three quatrains with the rime scheme ABAB CDCD EFEF and a couplet with the rime GG.

Which of the following best describes a theme of the sonnet Sonnet 18?

Which of the following best describes a theme of the sonnet? Nature is indifferent to mankind and is often cruel and punishing. Love is like the natural world in that it often changes and grows with time. Love is the surest way to find happiness in life and the afterlife.

How does Sonnet 18 praise poetry itself?

To praise him, the poet needs to compare him to something that is itself eternal. For the speaker, that something is art. Like the young man’s “eternal summer,” the speaker’s lines (i.e., the lines of his poem) are similarly “eternal.” Unlike the summer or the sun, they will not change as time progresses.

How many Iambs are found in this line from Sonnet 18?

five iambs

How many syllables does each line of a sonnet contain?

10 syllables

Does a sonnet have to have 10 syllables per line?

Your sonnet must have a metrical pattern. Every line of your sonnet must have five feet (so 10 syllables). Pentameter means five and iambic pentameter simply means five feet. Shakespeare uses iambic pentameter, not only in the sonnets but also throughout his plays.

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