
What does the fence symbolize for Troy?

What does the fence symbolize for Troy?

After expelling Cory out from his house, Troy shows that he is the chief of the house by pointing out the fence as the boundary of his territory. In his attempt to escape Death, Troy uses the fence as a symbolic shield intended to protect him.

Why does Troy finally build the fence?

Troy states that he will fight death until his last breath, so by this Troy believes that the fence can keep death out and protect him. When Troy finished building the fence after this statement, you could see it as his trying to protect himself and his family.

Why does Troy procrastinate about building a fence around the yard?

Why does Troy procrastinate about building a fence around the yard? Because he wants doesn’t want it and doesn’t need it to protect him.

What is the purpose of Fences by August Wilson?

August Wilson’s motivation in writing Fences was to make a point and show that blacks struggled and competed greatly with whites during that time period. His use of baseball in the play was due to the World Series that was taking place when he wrote the play in 1983 but took place in the 1950’s.

What could troy dying while swinging his bat mean?

Troy’s bat represents the hardship, struggles, and injustices he experienced. Troy, who battled with death throughout the entire play, taunts death by saying, “It’s between you and me now… Come on… Troy died using the only weapon he could truly rely on.

Does Rose leave Troy in Fences?

Rose doesn’t leave Troy when she learns about Alberta’s pregnancy, but she stops talking to him. Alberta dies in childbirth, and Troy brings the baby home. Rose graciously takes the little girl, Raynell, in as her own. Troy ends up driving Cory from home due to his demands and lack of support.

What does rose symbolize in fences?

To Rose, a fence is a symbol of her love and her desire for a fence indicates that Rose represents love and nurturing. Troy and Cory on the other hand think the fence is a drag and reluctantly work on finishing Rose’s project. Bono also observes that to some people, fences keep people out and push people away.

What was Troy Maxson’s job in fences?

sanitation department

Does Troy ever finish the fence?

Troy and Bono acknowledge how each man made good on his bet; Troy finished the fence for Rose and Bono bought Lucille the refrigerator.

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