What was Frankenstein reaction to his creation?
The monster now begins to take shape, and Victor describes his creation in full detail as “beautiful” yet repulsive with his “yellow skin,””lustrous black, and flowing” hair, and teeth of “pearly whiteness.” Victor describes the monster’s eyes, considered the windows upon the soul, as “watery eyes, that seemed almost …
What did Victor Frankenstein say after he created the monster?
Although he assembled human parts that were once beautiful, Victor says that somehow he has created “a wretch,” whose skin is yellow and drawn tightly over his skull.
How Victor Frankenstein thinks his creation will regard him quote?
He thinks his creation will be grateful to and appreciative of him, like both a father, and great creator. Analyse how Victor violates his own advice: “A human being in perfection ought always to preserve a calm and peaceful mind, and never to allow passion or a transitory desire to disturb his tranquility.”
Why does Frankenstein reject the creature he has created?
In his endeavors to create the monster, he takes on the role of a God, but fails as a creator of life in being accountable and managing his creations. Frankenstein neglects the creature because of its hideous demeanor, and his actions are the cause of his ultimate downfall.
What does Frankenstein do after his creation comes to life answers com?
Frankenstein brought life to lifeless matter to create “the creature”.
What major event occurred to Frankenstein when he was 17?
Answer Expert Verified Elizabeth contracts scarlet fever and nearly dies. Explanation: At the age of 17 years old, Victor Frankestein had to deal with two challenging situations. In the first place, his mother, Elizabeth, contracted scarlet fever and got very ill.
What was Victor’s goal?
Victor Frankenstein is the protagonist of Frankenstein. His goal is to achieve something great and morally good, which will secure him a lasting reputation. In pursuit of this goal, he creates the Monster, but his pursuit of his goal also causes his conflict with the Monster.
How did the creature feel after his deed?
How did the creature feel after his deed? He was delighted that he was able to create despair for his creator. What did the creature tell Frankenstein about the locket? He said he found the locket on the boy, and took it.
Why was clerval in Ingolstadt?
Henry Clerval has one main reason for coming to Ingolstadt: to get an education.
What was Victor’s only consolation?
I shunned the face of man; all sound of joy or complacency was torture to me; solitude was my only consolation—deep, dark, deathlike solitude.
What was Victor afraid of if he created the female creature?
The new creature may not agree to the promises made between Victor and the monster, and he ponders that “she might become ten thousand times more malignant than her mate and delight, for its own sake, in murder and wretchedness.” Could he continue his work in good conscience?
Why does the creature want someone who is like him to love?
The creature wanted validation as a human being from a human being. Since Victor refused to grant him this, the creature demanded that Victor create a woman for him, someone with whom he could travel away from the human world and seek the solace found in the presence of someone like himself.
What does Frankenstein’s creature want?
The Monster only seeks revenge against Frankenstein, but sometimes he seems to see Frankenstein as the representative of all mankind. He addresses him as “Man!” when he announces that he will kill Frankenstein’s family, suggesting Frankenstein is a stand-in for all humanity.
What evidence is there to suggest what the creature really means by his threat?
What evidence is there to suggest what the creature really means by his threat to be with Frankenstein on his wedding night? Victor took away anything the creature could’ve loved so the creature would do the same to him . How does Victor depart from the typical tragic hero? His emotions, feelings, passions.
What was the creature’s reaction to learning that the Cottagers left use a quote from the text?
What was the creature’s reaction upon learning that the cottagers left? When the creature discovered that the cottagers left, he became enraged and set fire to the cottage. The cottagers were the creature’s last hope for happiness, and now that they were gone, so was his hope for happiness.