
What is the repressive state apparatus?

What is the repressive state apparatus?

The Repressive State Apparatus consists of the army, the police, the judiciary, and the prison system. It operates primarily by means of mental and physical coercion and violence (latent and actual). Further Reading: L. Althusser Lenin and Philosophy (1971).

What is the main function of education as an ideological state apparatus?

He argues that education is an ideological state apparatus (ISA). Its main function is to maintain, legitimate and reproduce, generation by generation, class inequalities in wealth and power. It does this by transmitting ruling-class or capitalist values disguised as common values.

Is the media an ideological state apparatus?

Media has an important function in imposing its thoughts to public by pretending as if it is independent of power. According to Althusser (1971), as an ideological state apparatus, media binds society to sovereign power by will rather than pressure.

What is ideology according to Louis Althusser?

1) “Ideology represents the imaginary relationship of individuals to their real conditions of existence” (Lenin 109). Althusser contends that ideology has a material existence because “an ideology always exists in an apparatus, and its practice, or practices” (Lenin 112).

What is the main difference between ISA and RSA?

The differences between the RSA and the ISA are: The repressive state apparatus (RSA) functions as a unified entity (an institution), unlike the ideological state apparatus (ISA), which is diverse in nature and plural in function. What unites the disparate ISA, however, is their ultimate control by the ruling ideology.

What is ideology in English language?

Language ideologies are morally and politically loaded representations of the structure and use of languages in a social world. They link language to identities, institutions, and values in all societies. Such ideologies actively mediate between and shape linguistic forms and social processes.

What are the types of language planning?

Language planning has been divided into three types:

  • Status planning.
  • Corpus planning.
  • Acquisition planning.
  • Status planning.
  • Corpus planning.
  • Acquisition planning.

Why is standard language important?

Standard language is important because it represents a distinction within a language that can indicate social class or upbringing.

What are language inequalities?

1. Refers to the inability to manipulate a particular variety of a language within a particular context, either through lack of exposure or through some form of disadvantage.

How do you write at least in inequalities?

For inequalities with ‘at least’, we use the ‘greater than or equal to’ symbol.

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