
What is linguistic and cultural diversity in classroom?

What is linguistic and cultural diversity in classroom?

A culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) learner is typically used to identify a learner who differs from the mainstream culture in terms of ethnicity, social class, and or language (Perez, 1988). and could also serve as a proxy for factors such as birthplace, ethnicity, race and language.

What is sociocultural assessment?

Sociocultural approaches to assessment: • reflect the interconnecting social and cultural worlds of children; Learning is enhanced when there are connections and relationships between early childhood settings away from home and other places and spaces in children’s lives.

What is a sociocultural framework?

Sociocultural theoretical framework is a comprehensive model that looks at how societal and cultural factors influence the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of an individual or a group. It is commonly applied in psychology and related fields of studies, including health, sociology, and education.

What is an example of sociocultural theory?

Examples of Sociocultural Theory A child can’t learn many things without society like language skills. They need to be with people to learn how to use language. Individual persistence can help the person acquire new skills and knowledge. He/she might need external help to see and learn those things.

What does the sociocultural approach focus on?

The sociocultural approach examines the influences of social and cultural environments on behavior. A major influence on people’s behavior, thought processes and emotions are other people and the society they have created.

What are some issues a sociocultural psychologist would study?

What are some issues a sociocultural psychologist would study? Sociocultural psychologists study the influence of cultural and ethnic similarities and differences in behavior and social functioning. They have also studied the impact and integration of the million of immigrants who come into the United States each year.

How would a psychologist who uses the sociocultural perspective best determine how people in a group will behave?

How would a psychologist who uses the sociocultural perspective best determine how people in a group will behave? By recognizing the group’s social norms, and remaining sensitive to its specific needs.

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