
What is the rhyme scheme of when I was one and twenty?

What is the rhyme scheme of when I was one and twenty?


What was the initial reaction of the persona towards the advice of the wise man?

Question: What was the initial reaction of the speaker in Housman’s “When I was one-and-twenty” towards the advice of the wise man? Answer: The speaker’s initial reaction to the advice was, “No use to talk to me.”

What is endless rue?

This poem conveys the message that a person in love is not free, that one must avoid giving their heart to another in order to keep their “fancy free” (line 6). Falling in love, on the other hand, does take one’s freedom, and therefore leaves a person in misery, or “endless rue” (line 14).

What situation is encountered by the persona as revealed by the poem?

Answer. Answer: The situation that is encountered by the poet in the poem ‘When I was One and Twenty’ was all about falling in love and facing its consequences.

What is a Belle?

: a popular and attractive girl or woman especially : a girl or woman whose charm and beauty make her a favorite the belle of the ball.

What is the opposite of Belle?

laid/laide means ugly in French which basically the opposite of belle (belle means beautiful)

What does Belle mean in Nigerian?

Meaning. A pidgin word for pregnant. Usually used for asking someone if they’re pregnant.

What is the meaning of the word Dame?

1 : a woman of rank, station, or authority: such as. a archaic : the mistress of a household. b : the wife or daughter of a lord. c : a female member of an order of knighthood —used as a title prefixed to the given name.

Is Dame a curse word?

Dame is sometimes perceived as insulting when used to refer generally to a woman, unless it is a woman of rank or advanced age.

What is another word for Dame?

Dame Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for dame?

lady noblewoman
milady baroness
dowager female
gal miss
woman grande dame
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