
Did the astronauts on Challenger die instantly?

Did the astronauts on Challenger die instantly?

2. The astronauts aboard the shuttle didn’t die instantly. After the collapse of its fuel tank, the Challenger itself remained momentarily intact, and actually continued moving upwards.

Did they recover the bodies from Challenger?

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration said today that it had recovered remains of each of the seven Challenger astronauts and had finished its operations to retrieve the wreckage of the space shuttle’s crew compartment from the ocean floor.

What caused the Challenger to explode?

The space shuttle broke apart because gasses in the external fuel tank mixed, exploded and tore the space shuttle apart. The external fuel tank exploded after the right solid rocket booster came loose and ruptured the tank. Because a seal around the O-ring (a piece of the rocket boosters) failed.

Why did we stop flying to the moon?

The Apollo 11 Moon landing in July 1969 was a huge feat of human endeavour, engineering and science. Apollo 17 became the last manned mission to the Moon, for an indefinite amount of time. The main reason for this was money. The cost of getting to the Moon was, ironically, astronomical.

What happens if a nuke goes off in the ocean?

Unless it breaks the water surface while still a hot gas bubble, an underwater nuclear explosion leaves no trace at the surface but hot, radioactive water rising from below. During such an explosion, the hot gas bubble quickly collapses because: The water pressure is enormous below 2,000 feet (610 m).

Has anyone ever been killed by a meteorite?

The earliest claim of a person being hit by a meteorite comes from 1677 in a manuscript published at Tortona, Italy, which tells of a Milanese friar who was killed by one, although its veracity is unknown.

What is the most powerful nuke?

Tsar Bomba

Why are birds the only surviving dinosaurs?

Today there are at least 11,000 bird species. But with such a close relationship to the extinct dinosaurs, why did birds survive? The answer probably lies in a combination of things: their small size, the fact they can eat a lot of different foods and their ability to fly. Watch the animation to find out more.

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