
What is the meaning of broader?

What is the meaning of broader?

of great extent

What is a narrow perspective?

adj having a biased or illiberal viewpoint; bigoted, intolerant, or prejudiced. ♦ narrow-mindedly adv.

What is the importance of seeing things from a broad perspective?

It is important to look at topics from multiple perspectives so that we are able to see the whole picture, which better enables us to find the root cause of the problem and discover a solution that takes the needs and feelings of everyone involved into consideration.

What is the meaning of broadening your perspective can be life enhancing?

A broad perspective is defined as the ability to see a situation from a different angle or point of view, while life-enhancing means a life that is contented and happy. I know that when I have a broad perspective, the more truth I bring into my life, I reduce my ignorance and enriches my life overall.

Is it true that broadening your perspective can be life enhancing?

When it comes to how one’s life can be enhanced by having a broadened perspective, it is about one moving from one level of thinking to the other. Growth is beneficial and promotes one’s wellbeing. These could be curtailed if we have a poor approach to life. So having our prospectives broadened will help grow us.

What can you say about the quotation philosophy enhances life by broadening one’s perspective do you agree?

Answer: I agree that broadening your perspective can be life-enhancing. It gives you are an objective view of life and events and makes you stand out from the shackles of misinformation and stereotypes which were built over the years.

What is the purpose why do we need to study philosophy of the human person?

The study of philosophy helps us to enhance our ability to solve problems, our communication skills, our persuasive powers, and our writing skills. Below is a description of how philosophy helps us develop these various important skills.

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