
What is another word for Unify?

What is another word for Unify?

SYNONYMS FOR unify combine, merge, fuse, coalesce.

What is mean by unified?

When people or groups are all on the same page, working for the same goals and doing the same thing, they are unified. Just like the word United in Unified States, unified is a word that means being together. Unified is the opposite of divided.

What are unifying factors?

If someone unifies different things or parts, or if the things or parts unify, they are brought together to form one thing. unified adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]

How do you use unify in a sentence?

Unify in a Sentence ?

  1. Giving a speech about how important it is for all races to work together, MLK was able to unify the groups.
  2. The company’s CEO called a multi-department meeting to talk about ways to unify each section and work together.
  3. A war was fought to unify the north and south into one nation again.

What is the unification process?

In logic and computer science, unification is an algorithmic process of solving equations between symbolic expressions. A unification algorithm should compute for a given problem a complete, and minimal substitution set, that is, a set covering all its solutions, and containing no redundant members.

What part of speech is Unify?


part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: unifies, unifying, unified

Is unifier a word?

Agent noun of unify; one who unifies. The definition of a unifier is someone or something that brings others together.

Is unifying an adjective?

Adjective. Tending to unify; promoting unity; uniting.

What does Pentadactyl mean?

Medical Definition of pentadactyl : having five digits on each hand or foot pentadactyl mammals.

What language is known as the unifying language?

English is the most common official language, with recognized status in 51 countries. Arabic, French, and Spanish are also widely recognized.

Why do African countries speak European languages?

While resistance to colonial rule often involved a refusal to assimilate linguistically, the presence of European languages in Africa could not be avoided. In many instances, these European tongues were taken and localized, being converted into local dialects.

Is the only Canadian province that is officially bilingual?

The Charter reinforced previous constitutional principles regarding language use in federal courts and the courts of Quebec and Manitoba, reaffirmed the availability of bilingual services in the federal administration and confirmed New Brunswick as the only completely bilingual province.

How many Bantu languages are there?

Twelve Bantu languages

Is Igbo a Bantu?

No, Igbos are not Bantu. The Igbo and the Bantu languages are deemed to be part of the Niger-Congo language family, but there’s a great deal that separates them. The Igbo and the Bantu languages are deemed to be part of the Niger-Congo language family, but there’s a great deal that separates them.

What religion is Bantu?

Traditional religion is common among the Bantu, with a strong belief in magic. Christianity and Islam are also practiced.

Which language is similar to Shona?


Is Shona hard to learn?

Whether you’re planning a trip to Zimbabwe or simply want to talk to a friend or family member in their native language, learning to speak Shona is not difficult. Because the language is phonetic, start by learning how to pronounce the alphabet.

What does Zimbabwe mean in Shona?

dzimba dzamabwe

How do you greet someone in Shona?

A collection of useful phrases in Shona, a Bantu language spoken mainly in Zimbabwe….Useful Shona phrases.

English chiShona (Shona)
Welcome Mauya
Hello (General greeting) Mhoro (sg) Mhoroi (pl)
How are you? Wakadini zvako? (sg) Makadini zvenyu? (pl)
Reply to ‘How are you?’ Ndiri rayiti Ndiripo

What is a person from Zimbabwe called?

Demonym(s) Zimbabwean. Zimbo (colloquial) Government. Unitary dominant-party presidential constitutional republic.

What was life like in Great Zimbabwe?

People lived in mud and reed thatch or stone houses. Simple pottery was made, leather for clothing was produced from hides, jewellery was made from copper and gold, and weapons and farming implements from iron. These items were also traded in the region, salt being a valued and needed commodity in the Zimbabwe kingdom.

What caused great Zimbabwe to decline?

Causes suggested for the decline and ultimate abandonment of the city of Great Zimbabwe have included a decline in trade compared to sites further north, the exhaustion of the gold mines, political instability, and famine and water shortages induced by climatic change.

How did Great Zimbabwe grow wealthy and powerful?

gold = power, taxed trade, traded, How did the Great Zimbabwe grow wealthy and powerful? From the trade routes that passed through the city. As Great Zimbabwe fell, Mutapa empire arose nearby and grew strong by controlling trade of gold.

What does the Great Zimbabwe mean?

stone houses

What makes Zimbabwe unique?

Zimbabwe is a nation that prides itself of its rich history and culture. The country is home to unique remnants of ancient ruins that are of cultural and historical significance to understanding ancient African kingdoms and civilizations. One of Zimbabwe’s greatest resources is its wildlife.

Who Built Great Zimbabwe and when?

Begun during the eleventh century A.D. by Bantu-speaking ancestors of the Shona, Great Zimbabwe was constructed and expanded for more than 300 years in a local style that eschewed rectilinearity for flowing curves.

Who lived in the Great Enclosure?


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