
What kind of character is Antony?

What kind of character is Antony?

Described as a passionate man who loves art and music, and teased by Caesar for staying out late at parties, Antony is the opposite of the coldly logical Brutus. While not perceptive enough to suspect the plot against Caesar, his masterful speech to the plebeians at Caesar’s funeral stirs up the masses to mutiny.

What is Antony’s tragic flaw?

Antony’s flaw and tragic downfall. Antony’s tragic flaw is his desire to be part of these two contrasting, and at times opposing worlds: wanting to retain his power and reputation within Rome as a fearless soldier and magnificent leader but also wishing to live a care-free life with Cleopatra.

How does Antony view Lepidus?

What is Antony’s opinion of Lepidus? Antony thinks Lepidus is a stupid man who does what others tell him to do. What reason does Antony give letting Lepidus help in choosing who shall die? He lets Lepidus chose who will die to make him feel important and so he can take some blame if things go wrong.

What does Antony say about Caesar’s will?

They are making a death list. What does Antony say they will do to Caesar’s will? Antony says he wil cut off the expenses to the people in Caesar’s will. The reason Antony gives in letting Lepidus help chose who shall die is that they can’t blame the murders on him.

What points does Antony make in winning the argument?

Antony points out where each conspirator stabbed Caesar. He is painting them as murderers. He also positions himself as Caesar’s heir, showing the audience Caesar’s will and telling them how generous he was to them. Caesar not only made Rome rich, he is making each of them rich.

How does power begin to corrupt Antony?

How does power begin to corrupt Antony? He decides who should live or die, and he attempts to find a way to cut money from Caesar’s will.

Why does Antony send Lepidus to fetch Caesar’s will?

Antony then sends Lepidus to obtain Caesar’s will so that they can reduce some of the bequests. After he exits, Antony tells Octavius that Lepidus may be fit to run errands but that he is not fit to rule one-third of the world; after they are through using him, they will assume the power he temporarily enjoys.

How has Antony changed since he delivered the funeral eulogy?

How has Antony changed since he delivered the funeral oration? Antony wasn’t as kind and as good as he was since he delivered the funeral oration. His actions, words, and goals were harsher. In the funeral oration, Antony read Caesar’s will that said that Caesar gave his money to the citizen.

What do Antony’s intentions with Caesar’s will show about his character?

what does antony want to do with caesar’s will and how does it reflect on his character? he wants to take away some of the bequests in order to pay the army – he is betraying caesar’s memory for money. it is unsettling to us because this will was once so honored and the standing of it is being cut down.

What is the central idea of the tragedy of Julius Caesar?

The central idea of the play, considered politically, is the decay of republicanism in Rome and the rise of Caesarism. In the First Scene the populace give unconscious evidence of the growing spirit of monarchy. This they manifest when they cry out in the Third Act: Let him be Caesar.

What is the key difference between a central idea and a motif?

What is the key difference between a central idea and a motif? A central idea is abstract, while a motif is concrete.

What is the difference between theme and motif?

Motif and Theme In a literary piece, a motif is a recurrent image, idea, or symbol that develops or explains a theme, while a theme is a central idea or message.

Is death a theme or motif?

A motif generally reinforces the theme of the text. A motif must be repeated throughout a text to be considered a motif. However, the motif may appear in various forms. For example, “death” could be a motif in a literary work.

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