
Should parents have access to your Social Media?

Should parents have access to your Social Media?

Yes, Parents should monitor their kids or teen’s Facebook & other social networking sites. Just as we prepare our kids for life in the real world, we should prepare them for life in the Online world. Cyber Bullying and Cyber Threats are serious problems. Every parent should read about Cyber Bullying and Cyber Threats.

Should parents have access to their child’s phone?

The Ethical Dilemma of Prying on Your Child’s Cell Phone To an extent, the answer is yes. After all, the parents should decide what’s best for their child, and they probably pay for the phone. However, if you do decide to check your child’s cell phone, make sure that they are informed about it.

Can parents destroy their child’s property?

The facts: It is 100% legal to take away a minor’s possessions and/or control their use if you are the parent/guardian. Technically, said possessions belong to the parent/guardian, NOT the child. Once they reach the age of eighteen, it is NO LONGER legal to confiscate their property.

Can your parents break your stuff?

They legally can’t break your stuff, but enforcing the law against your parents is a really bad plan. Make plans on how you can move out after you turn 18.

Can a child legally own anything?

As a matter of law a minor may own property the same as any other person. He may obtain it by inheritance, by gift, or by purchase; and there is nothing in the law that would prevent even a father from giving property to his minor child.

Do parents own their children’s money?

Legally, anything owned or earned by a minor belongs to the parents. There are some exceptions, but for the most part, until they reach the age of majority or are declared independent by a court, they are the responsibility of the parents. That is why parental permission is required for a minor to take a job.

How can I send money without my parents knowing?

Yup, simply walk to your local bank, doesn’t matter which one and open up an account. Some banks may require an appointment. You will need some sort of an ID card as well. You could make an account online but since you don’t want your parents to know I’d do it in person.

Can your parents take your debit card?

No, your mom cannot legally take your debit card and spend your money. Your bank account is a legal contract with you and only you. The complication is that your dad is a joint account holder. This means that your mom could claim she’s spending HIS money.

Can you go to jail for using your parents credit card?

Unauthorized Charges Your close relationship to your parents doesn’t make it OK for you to use their credit card to make a purchase without asking for permission. In fact, most state laws consider unauthorized use of a credit card theft, which is punishable by incarceration and fines.

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