
How does Troy feel about Cory?

How does Troy feel about Cory?

Troy doesn’t like Cory he does what he has to do to support Cory until he is old enough to support himself.

Who is Cory to Troy in Fences?

Cory Maxson The teenage son of Troy and Rose Maxson. A senior in high school, Cory gets good grades and college recruiters are coming to see him play football.

What is the relationship between Troy and Gabriel?

Gabriel is Troy’s brother. He’s the only sibling Troy is still in touch with, though they grew up in a large family. Gabe was wounded in World War II and now has a metal plate in his head.

What’s wrong with Gabriel in Fences?

Troy’s brother, Gabriel is the victim of a brain-injury he received at war. As a result of the injury, Gabe’s gone insane and lives trapped in the psychotic belief that he is St. Gabriel.

How does Troy die in the play Fences?

heart attack

Who died in fences?


What is Troy and Rose relationship in fences?

The relationship between Rose and Troy developed from a very faithful and loving one to one where Troy became unfaithful. Rose still loves Troy, but felt and dealt with the pain that Troy brought after the affair and wants to show her children that Troy was still good after all the mistakes.

What is the main idea of fences?

The main themes in Fences are race, barriers, and responsibility and love. Race: Racism has had a profound effect on Troy’s life, and it is his fear that racism will prevent Cory from achieving success that leads to Troy irreparably damaging his relationship with his son.

Who is Taylor in fences?

What is Taylor’s? A grocery store that Cory works for. Rose likes to shop here. Charges 10 cents less than Bella’s.

What are the conflicts in fences?

On the surface, the primary conflict of Fences is the struggle of Troy to accept that his son, Cory, is likely to surpass him in terms of his success. Troy was an outstanding baseball player, but when he was in his prime, he was not allowed to join the major leagues due to his race.

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